What can i do to prevent acne

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Acne is caused by overactive oil glands. Washing your skin is essential. Use lotions that are noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic. If you can’t live without your hair spray or styling gel, be sure to keep them away from your face as much as possible. Cha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-to-prevent-acne ]
More Answers to “What can i do to prevent acne
What can I do to prevent acne?
Never touch your face…there are lots of bacteria mostly on your hands. Wash your bed sheets and pillowcase often. Wear oil free make-up. You really can’t help on your period. ALWAYS always wash your face. Morning and night. If you do get …
Does Drinking Water Help Prevent Acne?
The answer is no. Drinking water sounds good in theory, which is likely why the belief that our bodies need eight glasses of water daily continues to perpetuate. But the idea that drinking eight glasses of water is essential for having cl…
Can I Prevent Acne?
Please Note: By clicking a link to any resource listed on this page, you will be leaving this site. American Academy of Dermatology http://www.aad.org This website provides patients with up-to-date information on the treatment and managemen…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I prevent acne while taking prednisone?
Q: I am starting an 8 week dosage of prednisone and I want to know how to prevent myself from getting acne while I’m taking that medicine. I know that acne is one of the side effects from that drug. I took it once before and I got a bad case of acne that was really painful. Thanks in advance.
A: I also suffered from acne while taking prednisone. I am still currently taking prednisone, but my acne has recently cleared up. I’m blemish free & can’t figure out what I’m doing differently.An antibiotic like tetracycline would probably help with your acne & does not interact with prednisone. I’d ask your doctor about this before beginning a regimen.Good luck!
Is there a good way to prevent acne without medicine?
Q: I’ve had acne problems since I was twelve, for eight years. I’m twenty now and its not nearly as bad as it once was but sometimes i have breakouts. I’ve been on every acne medication known to man, most of it worked to some extent but the majority of oral medications have dangerous side effects and I’m quite sick of the topical stuff, it makes my face so dry and I have heard it increases the risk of skin cancer.So what can i do to get rid of this acne, Right now I’m just washing my face about four times a day and using clearasil cream every night, but its really messing up the skin on my face. I don’t have many acne problems when I use it, though. I’ve heard all the advice about acne like don’t touch your face, don’t eat greasy foods, etc. I’m doing all this stuff, but still having some problems. Is there a natural way to prevent this acne?
A: There are two good ways to get prevent acne without medicine!! One is drink a lot of water because that way you can hydrate your skin and relieve unwanted moisture(sweat) faster. Two, exercise so that way you sweat. When you sweat your pores open up and you wash away the dirt and oil, so drink all the water you want and then some and that should help. Might not always work but hey It works!!
How can I prevent acne caused by my period?
Q: I know one answer will most likely be birth control. The problem is, I don’t know how I can get it. I’m 16; If I discuss it with my mom then she’s going to think that I’m going to be having sex with my boyfriend (Which I don’t intend on doing). I don’t have my license either, nor do any of my friends. Is there any way I can prevent the acne, or any possible way of convincing my mom? Thanks all in advance.
A: Ask her to tale you to a dermatologist. Which is more expensive than seeing an OBGYN to get pills. But I totally understand your situation my mother would have FREAKED also!
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