What happens during menopause

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The menopause occurs when levels of the female hormones fall and your body stops producing eggs. Continue to ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-during-menopause ]
More Answers to “What happens during menopause
When women go through menopause, the level of the female hormone oestrogen in the body goes down. Low levels of oestrogen produce the symptoms of menopause such as:・ Hot flashes or hot flushes, which is a sensation of sudden flushing and sw…
Menopause, commonly known as the “change of life,” is a natural event in a woman’s aging process. It signals the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and her ability to conceive. Hormonal Changes in Women During a woman’s reproductive…
・ 1. The premenopause is the beginning of the climacteric (usually the early 40s) when periods may be heavy … ・ 2. The perimenopause is the stage (usually a few years) on either side of your last period when physical … ・ 3. The postmeno…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what happens during menopause?
Q: what happens in the uterus during menopause?
A: Without lots of estrogen and progesterone to stimulate the uterine lining, the uterus atrophies, with the lining thin and the tissue in general shrinking and having less blood flow.
What happens during the menopause in females ? Why does it bleed.. ?
A: menopause occurs when the ovaries of a female stop producing its hormones , and thus no more ovulation no more periodit occurs between age 45 and 55 y early on you may get some irregular bleeding , but only for a short period ,.if you are getting frequent bleeding , this is abnormal , you must see a gynecologist
what happens if you bleed during menopause?
A: If you have had regular periods the went 12 months with out one you should be done with periods and if thats tha case it is best to see you Dr. for a pap and exam to make sure everthing is ok
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