What helps skin stop peeling

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A few ways to stop & prevent your skin from peeling are: Consume essential vitamins to deal with Peeling Skin condition. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-skin-stop-peeling ]
More Answers to “What helps skin stop peeling
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Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Pigmentation Imbalance of Bhrajaka Pitta that colors the skin and can be compared to melanin causes blackening, pigmentation and discoloration of skin. Excessive exposure to the sun, irregular eating, sleeping habits and cons…
How do you stop your skin from peeling?
Moisturize and stop going to tanning beds. It seems as if you over tanned yourself, so your skin is peeling to heal itself. Moisturizing your skin is the best option because it will reduce the peeling effect.
When will my skin stop peeling from sunburn?
It really just depends on how severe the sunburn is… I got bad sunburn like that on my back once, and it took almost a week to stop peeling… (yucky Lol)… but if it’s not that bad it will probably only take a few days or so… good luc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What helps your skin stop peeling on your feet?
Q: What helps stop it or to help make your feet get good again?
A: i went to myrtle beach and my heels started peeling 2 weeks after i came bk…….i washed them real good in the shower and as soon as i got out i used a foot scrubber/filer and filed the dead skin off till it was smooth. then i applied a thick lotion to my feet and put on some socks…….did it for days and not they are bk to normal 🙂
How can I stop my skin from peeling? i was sunburnt and now it wont stop peeling?
Q: i was sunburnt and now it wont stop peeling. ive tried aloe vera, not working, tried exfoliatin and it only made it worse. plz help as i am gng to be a maid of honor next week and i dont want my skin to be peelin ahhhhh!!
A: If your skin has been burned, peeling is inevitable. But you can put it off for awhile and let the skin beneath the affected skin mature more before the affected skin makes its departure. By moisturizing your skin you can keep the burned skin from drying too fast and flaking away. Aloe based moisturizers are good, as are many other moisturizers. Another thing to do is not rub your skin while applying the moisturizer, just smooth it on and let it sink in, which will leave your troubled skin intact and unirritated. It goes without saying that you should avoid the sun as much as possible, or when you do go out, use a high level of protection or cover up. The longer you can keep this top layer, the less sensitive the next layer will be, and the less likely you are to get a more serious burn the next time you go out
How can I stop my skin from peeling?
Q: i have really dry skin and very moderate acne. lately i have been using medication (duac and another lotion) prescribed by my dermatologist. this isn’t the first time i’ve used these medications, but my skin is starting to peel again. i have been applying moisturizer like crazy, but it doesn’t seem to help! should i reduce my usage of the lotions? i know i’m not allergic to them, i just have super sensitive skin. are there any cheap, over the counter remedies to help me stop peeling?
A: Sometimes your acne medication can make sensitive skin peel. Try and reduce the application of your acne medication to once a day or every other day. If that doesn’t help, Dove facial lotions always have worked for me.
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