What is bone loss

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Any time old bone is broken down faster than new bone is made, net bone loss occurs. Call 1-800-2ChaCha for unlimited use! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-bone-loss ]
More Answers to “What is bone loss
Bone loss is a weakening of the bones that may be caused by aging, cancer, or cancer treatment. Bone loss may be diagnosed when the results of a test called a bone scan indicate weak bones. However, many individuals do not realize they have…
Bone loss occurs when there is decreased calcification or reduced density of the bones. The result is weak bones that are at increased risk of fracture. Bone loss can occur as part of the normal aging process or as a complication of cancer …
Bone loss refers to loss of minerals from the bones. As the bones become more porous and brittle, they are more likely to break, or fracture. Bone mineral depletion is a “silent” condition, and usually has no symptoms. Bone loss encompasses…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are systemic diseases that cause alveolar bone loss?
Q: I have been slowly losing bone in my jaw over many years. I do not have gum disease. My dentists are perplexed. Despite getting my teeth cleaned 4X a year, they have not been able to control it. I do have a significant open bite, but x-rays do not show evidence of a traumatic occlusion. I have recently seen an endocrinologist to explore systemic causes of bone loss. I have so far ruled out sarcoidosis and osteoporosis. Are there any other diseases I should be screened for? I did find out that I was vitamin D deficient so am taking vitamin d supplements. There are no signs of inflammation on my gums. They are pink and firm.No, I am not on fosamax. I had a dexascan and my numbers are fine. What type of autoimmune disease causes you to be allergic to your own teeth?
A: It could be wisdom teeth coming in combined with lack of calcium/vitamin D that could cause the jaw to recede which together cause teeth compression and bite disortions. A bite disortion will cause the teeth to bite down crocked causing jaw resession from the teeth as well as could cause loose teeth or even pockets of jaw bone to disappear around the teeth roots. I had this situation and I am trying hard to save two incisor teeth. 1000mg Vitamin D daily. 1000mg calcium daily. Exercise is most important for your body will only process food that the body demands from continued exercise. Stop drinking coffe or soda. No more candy/sugar. Drink Orange Juice in morning, milk in morning and night. Rinse/Brush after each meal, and before bed. Hydrate your body with water after exercise. Change the pillow case you sleep on at least each week. Might also change pillows for this could be a nightly source or irritation.Shower before bedtime too.
I can no longer where dentures because of bone loss, Any ideas?
Q: I think when a dentist tells you, to start thinking of dental implants, because of bone loss, that Health Insurance should then cover it. What do you think? Mine said, only if there was an accident.
A: I have always been amazed at how insurance companies get away with separating dental and eye care from other medical issues. In my opinion, bone loss is a disease process that should be covered. Now, guess who cares what I think????
Do I need to worry about bone loss in my jaw?
Q: I’m having two bottom teeth pulled next week before I put on braces. I’m 26 and have been reading a lot about how tooth extraction causes bone loss and may effect me later on in life….Is it really a serious problem?
A: I had 4 teeth yanked before I got braces when I was 13 and no problems here yet. The leading cause of bone loss is poor flossing. When plaque and the like get deep down under the gums, it eats away at the base of the tooth where the bone is. A good dentist will do a test where they use this measuring poker and prod the base of each tooth and measure it on a scale of 1-6, 6 being the worst. If you’re a good flosser, you most likely have nothing to worry about. If you’re not a good flosser, look into getting a water pik. It may not be as good as flossing but its better than doing nothing.
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