What is it called when you have no sense of smell

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is it called when you have no sense of smell”,you can compare them.

Anosmia is the condition where you lose your sense of smell. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-you-have-no-sense-of-smell ]
More Answers to “What is it called when you have no sense of smell
What is the disease called when you have no sense of smell??
I don’t think it’s a disease, I have no sense of smell at all and I wasn’t diagnosed with a disease.
What Do You Call Someone with No Sense of Smell?
A Few Silly Questions Let me begin by saying that I am the first to admit that by no stretch of the imagination can I be considered among the sharpest knives in the kitchen drawer. I am therefore soliciting the help of some of you smart fol…
What is that place called where dogs use their sense of smell to …?
I think you are talking about tracking? Contact your local Beagle Club and see if there’s anything available in your area. Vets might know, but this is a bit specialised. You might find something by Googling?

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Q: I know that losing our sense of sight is called Blind and losing your sense of hearing is called Deaf, so what is it called if you lose your sense of smell or taste?(I hope I didn’t offend anyone, I’m just being curious)
A: look it up on wikipedia~it’s there i just seen it♦
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Q: I know if you lost your sense smell its called anosmia and is permanent or temporarily, but what if you were never born with it all together? Is it the same thing?
A: if you are born with no sense of smell you have congenital anosmia
What’s it called if you have no sense of smell….?
Q: Like you know you can be deaf or blind but what if you have no smell?
A: Anosmia.
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