What is the best way to go to sleep

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Routines help. The second thing you want to do is remember to try not to oversleep during the daytime. Exercise and eat well! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-go-to-sleep ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to go to sleep
What is a good way to go to sleep?
Make your bed the most comfortable place in the world, extra mattress pads, comfy sheets, pillows just the perfect height and comfort. In the hour or two before going to bed, dim the lights in your place (the body clock recognizes darkness …
What’s the best way to get a child to go to sleep?
We have a 2 1/2 yr old foster son and initially he needed a sippy cup in bed with him, a few toys, and would get up 3-4 times wanting me, we have weaned him of the drink in bed, and getting up by consistenly leading him back to bed, saying …
Is Sleeping the Best Way to Lose Weight?
But there’s actually been a lot of buzz in the media lately about the strong connection between insomnia and weight loss. Sleeping as the best way to lose weight? C’mon. I don’t blame you for being skeptical. So was I. But because challe…

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What time should i go to sleep if i wake up at 7:00 a.m?
Q: Im 12 years old so what time?someone plz answer i need to know quick!!!!!!!!and i am not one of those people who can get 6 hours of sleep and be fine
A: 11:00pm would be good. That provides 8 hours of sleep, which is plenty for the average person. Some people need more sleep to function, however. What you need to do is try different bed-times, and see which one leaves you most energized in the morning. First night, try 6 hours, 7 hours next night and so on until you feel rested up. That will then be your ideal sleeping time.
What time should i go to sleep on a school night i get up at 7 am and im 12 years old?
A: I should think no later than 9pm. Also, as you become a teen, you will actually need more sleep, even more than when you were 8 or 10. Helps you learn and grow better!
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