What is williams syndrome

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Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that can lead to problems with development. Thank you for asking ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-williams-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What is williams syndrome
Williams Syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by mild to moderate mental retardation or learning difficulties, a distinctive facial appearance, and a unique personality that combines over-friendliness and high levels of em…
Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects a child’s growth, physical appearance, and cognitive development. People who have Williams syndrome are missing genetic material from chromosome 7, including the gene elastin. This g…
Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by mild , distinctive facial appearance, problems with calcium balance, and blood vessel disease.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do doctors do to test if someone has williams syndrome?
Q: : is there any specific tests that people do to see if u have williams syndrome? plz paste the internet source u used here and get the BEST ANSWER!!! thx
A: Check out this site:http://www.williams-syndrome.org/fordoctors/index.html
what is the future outlook on williams syndrome?
Q: i know that williams syndrome is because of the deletion of chromosome 7 but i need to know the future out look on it!!! (it’s for a research paper for biology)
A: Im doing a bio paper on the same thing and I found a Q and A site Q. What is the outlook for adults with Williams syndrome? [back to top]A. The vast majority of adults with Williams syndrome master self-help skills and complete academic and/or vocational school. They are employed in a variety of settings (ranging from supervised to independent jobs). Many adults with Williams syndrome live with their parents; others live in supervised apartments and some are able to live on their own.
Is there any benefits from having Williams Syndrome?
Q: Is there any positive sides to having Williams Syndrome? (i.e being immune to another disease, quicker learner than normal people, etc.)
A: Overly friendly (excessively social) personality Individuals with Williams syndrome have a very endearing personality. They have a unique strength in their expressive language skills, and are extremely polite. They are typically unafraid of strangers and show a greater interest in contact with adults than with their peers.
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