Why does Smoking cause Wrinkles

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Smoking can accelerate the normal aging process of your skin, contributing to wrinkles. These skin changes may occur …MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-smoking-cause-wrinkles ]
More Answers to “Why does Smoking cause Wrinkles
How Do You Get Wrinkles?
We develop two types of wrinkles on our faces: Dynamic Wrinkles We are born with dynamic wrinkles, which are associated with the muscles we use for facial expression. As we continuously use our facial muscles to smile, laugh and squint, mil…
How does smoking cause wrinkles?
Smoking affects every cell in the body, restricting blood flow to important organs. As the largest organ in the body, the skin depends on healthy blood flow to remain vibrant. Vitamins carried by the blood, especially Vitamin A, are instrum…
Does smoking marijuana cause wrinkles?
Probably. Smoke’s smoke, the difference in composition from tobaccosmoke may differ, but principally it’s in all likelihood the same. You will smoke less marijuana than tobacco, however, so result will be accordingly.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does smoking cause wrinkles for men?
Q: i know many women who have smoked for decades and have lots of wrinkles and a smoker’s face. but many men have been smoking as much and as long and don’t have any effects on their faces. do men age less fast and does smoking not cause wrinkles in men?
A: Of course they do. Men’s skin are slightly thicker than women’s and they don’t get that bad, but a guy who doesn’t smoke at all would have way less wrinkles. In women, wrinkles also appears due to excessive use of make-ups. So, both put together, yields in an even more defective facial skin.
Does smoking cause wrinkles from the chemicals or is from the actual movement of the face involved in smoking?
Q: My wife and I were talking about this today and we were wondering what causes the wrinkles in smokers faces.
A: Smoke cause WRINKLES!
Does smoking cause wrinkles in the skin?
A: Yes, it will dry out your skin and cause it to turn a grayish, pale color. Your teeth will turn yellow, too, and you will always smell like smoke…why would anyone pay for something that made them ugly?!
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