Will your lungs heal after quitting smoking

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Will your lungs heal after quitting smoking”,you can compare them.

After you quit smoking, there is improved lung function & circulation within 2 weeks – 3 months and they will continue healing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-your-lungs-heal-after-quitting-smoking ]
More Answers to “Will your lungs heal after quitting smoking
How Do Lungs Heal After Quitting Smoking?
We all know that smoking causes high blood pressure, heart damage, staining of the skin and teeth and, perhaps most substantially, severe damage to the lungs. Indeed, smoking is so damaging to…
How long does it take for your lungs to heal after quitting smoki…?
After 20 minutes Blood pressure returns to normal The temperature of your hand and feet return to normal as circulation increasesYour pulse rate slows back to normal After 8 – 10 hours Oxygen levels in your blood return to normal Carbon mon…
Do My Lungs Heal After I Quit Smoking?
This is a question frequently asked both by those of us who are considering quitting smoking and by those who have recently quit. Sometimes we ask because we want to take up new activities, other times we’re unsure if the damage that has al…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do your lungs heal after you quit smoking?
Q: I heard somewhere that 5 or so years after you quit smoking your lungs heal up. Is this true?
A: Yes! In a year, those lungs will be pink again! 🙂
how long does it take for your lungs to heal after quitting smoking?
A: They start healing in about 12 hours
Does anyone know how to heal your lungs and throat after quitting smoking?
Q: I am 36 years old and started smoking when I was in 7th and 8th grade. Already a little over 20 years… Crazy how time flies… Anyways, besides long runs and cycling rides any specifics I should know that will help detox and heal?
A: Time is the only thing. Try to avoid irritants as much as possible and keep exercising. Your on the right track, I think time is your answer. Good Luck
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