Losing Inches Doing Yoga

Losing inches doing yoga is definitely doable. Of course eating right and getting your cardio in are still a must but considering doing yoga properly and regularly not only lengthens our muscles it also stretches them providing us with greater flexibility and the healthy to pursue other healthy activities.

Practically every asana or position done in yoga stretches and lengthens your body in some manner. Once you really get into your yoga practice and go beyond the beginner asanas you have the ability to achieve more in terms of making changes to your body. What is great about the balancing asanas is that the core is always engaged and if you can get into the habit of engaging your core in everything you do you will quickly see a reduction in inches in your waist line and see a flatter abdomen.

A few of the top yoga asanas to do to lose inches include the basic flow exercises such as the various Warrior poses, in addition to plank which is ideal for the waistline. Overall doing yoga regularly creates a stronger more flexible body with minimal body fat. If you are really looking for a challenge try power yoga which takes the practitioner to a new level in fat burning while building stability and strength.

There is not a single physical activity that will help you to lose inches rather you need a good diet, a cardio program, a weight training program, and a combination of yoga and Pilates to develop a sleek and strong body while losing inches. There are a couple of greater power yoga DVD’s available that are excellent and ideal for a home practice. For those who prefer going into the yoga studio the power yoga classes are exciting and a lot of fun and definitely a great motivator for the person looking to lose inches doing yoga.

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