Advanced Acting Vocal Technique – Enhancing the Quality of Your Voice

I have heard throughout my years of working as a professional actor that the quality of an actors’ voice is one of the most important way of expressing varying emotional mindsets. Now this isn’t to say that your voice should be broadcaster perfect, but when I say the quality of the voice I refer to the confidence and clarity associated with it.

Enhancing the quality of your voice may be done through utilizing vocal exercises and becoming aware of the actual sound, tone and volume of your voice.

In order to fully master the quality of your voice, I suggest taking vocal exercises for actors; however, you may begin the process of mastering your voice by engaging in the following exercises cultivated throughout the past decade of working as an actor.

Ha, Ha, Ha

This exercise helps to strengthen your diaphragm, which is a vital muscle to enhance the quality of your voice. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your stomach. Breath in deeply, making sure that you belly extends and your shoulders remain still (this is also known as diaphragm, or lower breathing).

On the exhale, quickly contract your diaphragm to push out your breath and upon doing so say, “Ha, Ha, Ha” on each contraction of your diaphragm. Repeat three times.

Sustaining Notes

By sustaining a note you will help exercise your vocal chords to support smooth and flowing sounds. This is also an excellent exercise to do immediately before and audition or performance.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and take a deep breath. Do not allow your shoulders to rise when you breath in, but rather allow your belly to extend (also known as diaphragm breathing).

As you exhale, slowly say, “Haaaaaaaaaaaaa,” which lasts until you are out of breath. Focus on the sound of your voice being smooth and relaxed; almost effortless. Repeat this exercise three to five times.

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