Santorum Doesn’t Believe in the First Amendment

COMMENTARY | Rick Santorum is sounding more like Rick Perry and Sarah Palin more and more every day. The three politicians surely didn’t pay attention in high school history when the Bill of Rights. Since Santorum is against any politician, namely John F. Kennedy, who believes religion and the church is separated from the state, he has become a fool and laughing stock of the voters.

The First Amendment states that Congress will not make laws prohibiting an established religion for the United States. Santorum somewhere in his mind believes there isn’t a separation between church and state. While the Pennsylvania senator can believe what he wants, but trying to force his own religious beliefs on his voters will sure be the demise of his campaign.

It has been discussed every election year in my home that politicians have never paid attention to history and it tends to repeat itself when ignored. In this case, Santorum ignoring the First Amendment and why settlers came to this country makes him as ignorant as Sarah Palin.

No person should ever force their religious or church onto anyone. Religion and politics do not under any circumstance make good bed partners. In this case both items should be kept separate during a presidential campaign because not all voters will believe the same way as Santorum.

I will never vote for anyone who believes church and state shouldn’t be separated. Religion and the church is not what the current problems are in this country. Bringing the two together forcing people to have both intertwined with each other is disaster waiting to happen.

With as many cases of the church being brought into court over sexual misconduct, there is no place for church to be brought together with politics. The same goes for churches trying to say what is and isn’t appropriate for a woman when the men can’t keep their own houses in order.

So Santorum before you push your beliefs any further, go read your history books again. The separation of church and state was written into the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights for a reason. Before any throws their hat into the political ring, they should be required to take an extensive history exam. They also should have to have a passing grade of 95% before continuing on with their political quests.

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