September Personal Finance Goals

Now that August is done, planning for September and Fall overall need to be done. LearnVest has a great goal list with Your September Financial To-Dos.

Reassess Your Budget. Deadline: Thursday, September 1 You need to make sure that your budget is on track. Things may get carried away over the summertime, and therefore, things might need to be re-evaluated. Go Through Your Closet. Deadline: Middle of September Temperatures are changing, so your clothes will change too! Go through your closet and determine what you need, will keep, and what you will sell or giveaway to get rid of any unnecessary clutter. Plan for Holiday Travel. Deadline: End of September The holidays are soon approaching, and will get here faster than you think. Plan any necessary travel now, create budgets, and so on. Make a Holiday Gift Plan. Deadline: End of September If you haven’t done so already, then start planning for presents and holiday shopping. Check out my past blog post about Saving for the Holidays.

What are your to-dos for September?

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