“We Are the 53%”

COMMENTARY | The Occupy Wall Street movement is not the only movement going on right now, and in fact, there is an opposite movement countering these protests. “We are the 53%”, is a Tumblr blog and Trending Topic on Twitter, consisting of those who pay taxes, distancing themselves from the Occupy Wall Street movement. After reading some of these submissions, here is my take on the new counter movement going on.

It is fairly clear that the 53 percent are not really sympathetic to the 99 percent, because they are the group that actually pays the taxes in America. The difference to me seems to be that the 53 percent relies on personal responsibility, instead of having everything handed to them by their parents or the government. I read about the 53 percent a few weeks ago, on the Blaze, and found the message to be very inspiring, since a lot of the 53 percent supporters came from broken homes. There are a lot of interesting stories to the 53 percent counter movement, including about people that came from broken homes or had abusive parents, but never relied on government to make their situation better. The one thing that stood out to me reading the 53 percent posts was that they themselves chose to make their lives better, whether it was through enrolling into the Army because they could not afford college, or working three jobs to make ends meet.

The 53 percent also seem to think that the 99 percent are spoiled young adults that have always gotten everything in life, and just choose to not work for what they want. The 53 percent have worked all of their lives, made mistakes and corrected them and have helped pay for those unemployed in this country. I also found that the 53 percent really takes financial responsibility to heart and most of them are debt free or have almost paid off their debts, because they do not want to rely on anyone to do it for them. I support the 53 percent instead of the 99 percent because I feel that taking personal responsibility is important and without that, you will never make anything out of yourself. The stories are inspiring of the 53 percent movement because they are just normal people, choosing to overcome tragedy rather than wait for someone else to come along and help them. The 53 percent have a valid point, which is that if you want your life to change, find a way to change it, instead of waiting for the government to help you out.

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