7 Deadly Foods for Dogs

Dogs should never eat people food but from time to time some owners like to give their dogs a treat and allow them to enjoy the pleasure of what excellent tasting foods humans have accomplished. However, reconsider feeding the dog after reviewing the following common foods that can harm canine’s and possibly be fatal.

Alcohol – Not that a dog should be drinking alcohol in the first place, this beverage has been proven to depress a dogs brain and lead to comas. Whether it may be on purpose or by accident be sure that the family dog stays away from alcohol.

Coffee – Coffee has become not only a popular drink but a daily tool used to help people keep up with their busy days. Over dosing is responsible for 7 deaths in the United States since 1934 and has shown an increased number of non fatal caffeine poison cases since. However, a dog that drinks coffee is susceptible to much more harm. Methylxanthine is a compound found in caffeine that has been proven to increase a dog’s heart rate and trigger seizures.

Onions – Hemoglobin is a part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen throughout the body and once a dog has eaten an onion, even in small quantities, the hemoglobin can become dramatically affected. Experts have proven that dogs can actually be more affected if eating small amounts of onions over time rather than eating a lot of onions at once. In other words, do not feed dogs onions because it reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches their brain through their bloodstream.

Grapes – Studies have proven that dogs that eat grapes and raisins are highly prone to renal failure. Renal failure is when the kidneys can no longer filter the toxins that pass through the body. Much more studying is needed to understand why this happens to dogs.

Garlic – Garlic causes the breakdown of dog’s red blood cells and can lead to anemia, leaking hemoglobin, and kidney failure. Be sure that a dog is not exposed to garlic as this has a great affect against a dog’s health.

Chocolate – Chocolate is commonly known to be very unhealthy for pets but what actually happens is the chemical theobromine that is consistent in chocolate is unable to be metabolized by an animal’s digestive system. This can lead to internal bleeding, heart attacks, seizures, and death.

Macadamia Nuts – Unfortunately, experts are still dumbfounded why macadamia nuts are harmful and sometimes fatal to dogs and much more studying on the matter is being done. However, just a few of these nuts can lead to temporary paralysis in a dog’s hind legs.


“Toxic Foods and Your Dog. People Foods that can Poison Dogs.” By Jenna Stregowski RVT

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