Building a Resume When Entering a New Career Field

For many people, the most difficult and ominous chore involved in job searching is putting together a resume that helps show not only educational background, but experience in a field in which they have not been employed before. Selling themselves as someone who would excel in a position they have trained for can often be a challenge. It may also be difficult to promote themselves if they think their lack of employment is going to hurt their chances of attaining the right position.

Resume Formatting

When applying for a job in a field in which you have no direct experience, it is often best to begin with your educational background. You should stress any elective classes that may help you perform well in the position you are applying. Those classes can often set you apart from others with a similar education, and employers can take into account those courses that give you extra skills that will be helpful in your desired position.

Experience is not Always Employment

Nearly everyone has proven their skills and training by giving friends and family a hand. This can be true for Computer Technicians who often fix their cousin’s computer, accountants who do their parent’s taxes each year or an electrician who is called upon to check their sister’s outlets that no longer work properly. In each case experience has been gained and skills were put to use. These experiences can all be added to a first time resume to help show that you are competent in your field and have been keeping in practice with your training.

Exceptional Skills in Common Jobs

Oftentimes, the skills that have been gained through jobs outside your field can be listed on your resume to help show that although you may not have direct experience, you have gained many skills needed to be a good employee during previous work experiences. These skills can be anything from good customer empathy at a help desk, to bookkeeping as the night manager at a fast food restaurant. Even though neither job may be directly related to your new career path, both are terrific attributes that should be shared along with your technical qualifications.

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