How to Get a 5 on Your Ap Exam

1) Do well in the class: Constantly participate in class. The only way you will learn the subject is by actively learning the material and asking questions when you are unsure of something. Get extra help when needed and attend study sessions as the test approaches.

2) Do not wait until the last minute to start studying: Most people think that they will be able to learn the material quickly and procrastinate. This is not the case. Start preparing for the test months ahead of time.

3) Grab a Review Book: There are several books companies that make review books for AP Exams. Some companies include Kaplan, Princeton Review, Barron’s, AMSCO, and Crash Course. Be sure to take the practice multiple choice and free response questions. Taking practice tests will allow you to get an idea of how you will do. Practice tests will also allow to you get used to the test.

4) Know the Test: Know everything possible about the test. Know how many questions there are, the rules, the time restraints. Do not get confused by the test.

5) Get a good nights rest: You may be stressed or tired since you have probably prepared vigorously for the test. Do not let this interfere with your sleep. If it is between an extra hour or studying or an extra hour of sleep, always choose sleep. Recent studies have shown that students who are well rested perform better on tests. Get the sleep you need so you can feel awake and alert for the big day.

6) Eat Breakfast: Make sure that you have a hot high nutrition meal such as eggs and toast. Remember that the test you will be taking is around 3 to 4 hours. You do not want hunger to interfere with your thinking ability. However, do not eat too much or you will feel tired and sick during the test.

7) Envision success: Make sure you have a positive attitude going into the test. If you can envision yourself getting a 5 than you are on track for success.

8)Drink Coffee: It has been proven that coffee improves test scores by as much as 50%. It makes you feel ready and alert. Usually a cup of coffee will be enough to give you this alertness. If you have more than this, than you may be jittery for the test.

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