Installing Kitchen Cabinets

Wall cabinets & base cabinets are constructed differently, but there is no reason a wall cabinet cannot be used as a base. Plenty of people pick to do this as additional storage in a hallway, a window stool in a kid’s room, or in a bedroom in lieu of a chest of drawers. This is a comparatively simple process & only requires a few tools.

Tools & Materials Needed:
two by four lumber
Drill with bits
Construction adhesive
Finishing nails
Cabinet veneer

Make Your Markings
Line the cabinets along the wall where you finally require them installed. Use the pencil to generate a template by tracing out the outline. Move the cabinets out of the way after you have made the outline. Find the studs in the wall & mark them.

Generate the Base
Use the two by four to start a base. Lay these flat on the ground so they are the same width as the cabinets front edge. Set these back 1/4 inch. Use another two by four along the back flush against the wall. This will generate a tailored look & make it simpler to put in the cabinets. use the wood screws to secure these to the floor. Be definite they are flush all the way down.

Place the Cabinets
Set the cabinets up on the bases you created. Use the pencil to mark the inside of the cabinet where it lines up with the stud marking. You will need to generate a pilot hole through the cabinet so you can secure it to the stud. Use two screws along both the top & bottom edges. Use the same process to secure the cabinet to the base by drilling through the two by 4s.

Finishing with Veneer
Measure the front of the cabinet where the two by 4s are exposed. Cut veneer to this size. Attach the veneer with the construction adhesve. This can be done off with the finishing nails. The base of the cabinet ought to now match the cabinet itself.

Finish the top of the cabinet to your liking. For a window stool, find cushions that fit the top of the cabinet. Otherwise you can use veneer in this area as well since wall cabinets are not usually done at the top.

Wait at least 24 hours for the adhesive to dry before using the cabinet.

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