Psychic Scavenger Hunt

Now that you have everything set up for a child’s birthday party, you can relax and take it easy for awhile – unless you forgot about the party games. Look, don’t even bother to run back to the store again to get a bunch of things you need for some games. Use things you already have and you can set up a great game that all the kids will love. When they play a different type of scavenger hunt they get to try out their psychic abilities while earning points towards a prize.

You need absolutely nothing that you don’t already have to create the psychic scavenger hunt. As with any scavenger hunt, the players go around the place and gather things in an attempt to win. With the psychic hunt, the players will not be given a list – and that’s where the psychic angle comes into play. Kids have to simply try to think of what items should be gathered, and set about getting them.

Before the party, it’s a good idea to strategically place things around the room, expecting the players to gather some of these things. For example, if the game will be held in a girl’s room, you could have several hair ties placed around the room, some combs and brushes, costume jewelry, and similar things. Having duplicates of things offers more than one player a chance to win.

The person who is hosting the psychic scavenger hunt will make a list of things he or she wants the others to find. Then, the players will go around and try to gather things by psychically reading the list. As the players gather their items they can place them in a pillowcase, a basket, or even a grocery bag.

After everyone has gathered the specified number of objects, the host of the scavenger hunt will read the list. As players present things from the list, they are awarded a certain amount of points, to be determined by the host. The person with the most things matching words on the list will be the winner. In case of a tie the host can write the name of an animal or other object on a piece of paper, and the person who guesses it first is the actual winner.

Set boundaries or clues for the players by stating that they can only search in the kitchen, that no knives are on the list, etc. And, make sure you let them know that, whatever they gather, they must put back to its original spot.

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