Ron Paul Leads in Iowa and is Gaining Ground Nationally

COMMENTARY | KCRG reports that Texas Congressman Ron Paul has taken the lead in polling for the upcoming Iowa Caucus. The data collected from the recent survey also reports that Paul has more support, and a better foundation than previous front-runners. As an avid Paul supporter in Ohio, here is how I feel about his surge in the polls for the Republican presidential nomination.

I do think that Paul can win in other states, but I am almost certain he could not win the Republican presidential nomination. I think Paul has a chance of winning in states such as Texas and Iowa, but I just do not think he has what it takes to win the nomination. I am almost certain Paul would not gain enough support overall, especially in my state of Ohio. I would vote for Paul in Ohio, simply because I truly believe he is the only right candidate for the job, and I cannot stand behind any other candidate.

Paul has a great stance on the war on drugs, because he believes the war is a waste of money, and does nothing to solve the problem of drug abuse in America. Compared to other Republican candidates, Paul is very liberal on this issue, because he believes in freedom of choice when it comes to drugs. The other Republican candidates are more outspoken on being against drugs all together. When it comes to the conservative voters, I think they will shy away from Paul on this issue, and it will make them vote for a candidate with a tougher stance on drugs.

One issue where I think Paul is weak against his Republican rivals is on foreign policy, and this will hurt his chances with some voters. Paul feels that we should not interfere in other countries, bring our troops home, and end all of the wars going on. I agree that we should get out of countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, because being there only makes them hate America even more. Mitt Romney can speak to foreign policy in a way that more people understand what he is saying, but Romney does not feel that America should just butt out like Paul does.

Paul is also very conservative on the issue of spending, a lot more conservative than the other Republican candidates. Paul believes that America has been spending way too much, and that the only way to get back to fiscal conservative policies is to cut spending drastically. I think that Paul is the best choice because he is willing to end the Federal Reserve and cut many government programs. Compared to his Republican rivals, Paul is the only true conservative when it comes to fiscal policies.

James Lynch, “Vote 2012: Ron Paul Takes Lead in KCRG/Gazette/ISU Poll”, KCRG

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