The Ultimate Detox for Extraordinary Weight Loss

Countless fasts and detox plans entice millions of people worldwide struggling to lose weight with the promise of gargantuan weight loss at super quick speeds. The idea of these mega weight loss plans is quite alluring considering that we live in an immediate gratification society; we want everything now or sooner. While fasts and detox plans have the potential to provide results, few dieters rarely win the elusive prize promised, but with a few simple steps you can lose mega pounds with the ultimate detox.

To generate vast amount of superfast weight loss most fasts rely on severely restricting dieters’ allowance of food. A detox plan takes a fast a step further by guaranteeing that you will not only lose weight, but it will cleanse and detoxify your body. Ideally, we would never expose our bodies to chemicals and toxins, but for most people being able to properly rid the body of excess toxins and chemicals seems like a good way to help the body.

The incalculable toxins and chemicals in our environment and food strengthen the need for fasts and detox plans. Moreover, over the years the refining process has created tastier, yet less nutritious food. Enjoying a diet filled with refined foods like sugar, high fructose corn syrup, chemicals, refined flour, and trans- and saturated fats while void of the proper nutrients not only impedes digestion and weight loss, but also promotes health complications.

Tons of fasts and detox plans bombard dieters daily; one being the liquid fast, as the name implies it contains liquids. The alleged ultra-healthy water fast attempts to eliminate the burden of processing food while flushing out excess chemicals and toxins from the body. Other liquid fasts such as the juice and broth fasts have the potential to provide some nutrients to the body. Mono-fasts include one type of food such as grapes or broccoli for sustenance the entire duration of the diet. While the mono-fasts may provide some nutrients, they certainly do not meet all of the needs of the body.

Despite a dieters’ intense desire and efforts to lose weight, the body requires continuous sources of nutrients. The unavailability of nutrients disrupts vital bodily functions, thus weakening the condition of the body. Even when not dieting, many people do not eat the foods required to adequately nourish their body. In order to promote weight loss and improve health it is crucial that the body receives proper nourishment, which is complicated with nutrient deficient and calorie restricted diet plans.

Needless to say fasts and detox plans do not always work for the average person. Dieters who can withstand the agony of starvation and depravation develop weak, feeble, nutrient deficient bodies vulnerable to disease. Don’t worry, the depravation should not last forever, because the body is a self-preservation machine-to ensure survival most brains take over and force dieters to escape the lunacy of starvation to satisfy hunger.

In addition, reduced food supplies resemble famine like conditions and cause the body to down shift the metabolism into low gear to conserve energy. So while you may take in fewer calories, you also use fewer calories as well. Not the ideal circumstance for losing weight.

The body is not a poor helpless creation begging for a break so that it can manage digestion and be cleansed. Food is not the problem; the problem is the types of food selected to eat. As designed to, the body extracts needed components from nutrient rich foods to maintain life. With the proper ingredients the body can lose weight and feel great.

Detox plans must holistically meet the needs of the body to produce results; otherwise the plan will end unsuccessfully. The ultimate detox plan includes a wealth of natural unrefined fruits and vegetables to supply the body with ample nutrients. Natural unrefined foods supply a good source of water, which facilitates detoxification and the absorption of toxins. The ultimate detox plan satisfies dieters’ hunger while fortifying the body with a vast array of nutrients to enhance health.

While adjusting to the ultimate detox plan may not be as difficult as adjusting to a liquid fast, various strategies may help dieters transition and prepare for a fast. Some foods reduce the effectiveness of ultimate detox plan; therefore, while preparing and participating in a fast eliminate foods like meat, dairy, and oils. The ultimate detox plan provides most of the nutrients that they body needs; however, supplements may provide any missing nutrients. Depending on your goals, your fast may last anywhere from three days to three months.

After the fast is over, don’t wreck the progress that you’ve achieved on the plan; slowly reintroduce limited quantities of previously eliminated and refined foods while continuing to enjoy an abundant variety of natural unrefined foods. Maintaining the results achieved on a fast can be as simple as reducing, not eliminating refined and processed foods, while adding healthy unrefined foods.

Sufficiently satisfying hunger is a crucial part of any weight loss plan. Simply eating may not completely squelch one’s appetite. Many nutritionists believe that individuals who continue eating past the point of satisfaction eat not due to hunger, but due to nutrient deficiencies. That is why a nutrient rich diet is so important. When the body receives adequate nutrients, cravings cave and pounds plummet.

Many fads and detox plans make extraordinary promises of humongous weight loss and super body cleansing; however, the side effects of excruciating hunger and lack of nutrients generally cause the demise of the plan despite the best efforts of dieters. In order to reap the true rewards of weight loss and detoxification nourish the body with natural unrefined fruits and vegetables while eliminating or reducing refined foods and chemicals that may negatively impact health.

To learn more about achieving real weight loss read How to Lose Weight in the Real World: Why Other Diets Suck and You’re Not Losing Weight written by Dr. Jessica deValentino available on and select bookstores.

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