Can a hydrocodone be taken while pregnant

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Hydrocodone may be harmful to an unborn baby, and could cause breathing problems or addiction/withdrawal symptoms in a newborn. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a hydrocodone be taken while pregnant
Can a hydrocodone be taken while pregnant
Hydrocodone may be harmful to an unborn baby, and could cause breathing problems or addiction/withdrawal symptoms in a newborn.
Did anyone take hydrocodone while pregnant?
No, it will not cause brain damage. You can take some narcotic pain relievers during pregnancy, as long as under the supervision of your doctor, and only for a limited period of time. The risks to your baby are very minimal when taken app…
Can i take hydrocodone while pregnant?
NO! Hydrocodone w/Acetaminophen is aka Vicodin. The effects of Vicodin in pregnancy have not been adequately studied. Do not take Vicodin if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant unless you are directed to do so by your doctor. Drug d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

has anyone taken hydrocodone while pregnant and if so, was your baby healthy after delivery?
Q: My OB prescribed me hydrocodone for fibromyalgia pain and i just want to know if anyone else out there has taken this throughout being pregnant and if so, was your baby ok? I know that there are risks with taking any meds but need to here from other people about their experiences with pain meds and pregnancy.
A: The baby will be fine if you take the medicine as prescribed.
Has anyone ever taken Hydrocodone while pregnant?
Q: I am 26 weeks pregnant and I had to have moderate surgery this past week. I was released from the hospital yesterday with a prescription for hydrocodone apap 750 and was given 30 of them. They came from my OB. I desperately need them for my pain and was given them in the hospital as well but I am nervous about taking them. I was re-assured by my OB and my general physician that they will not harm the baby but I’d like to hear from some people that have actually taken them during a part of pregnancy. How was your baby? Everything normal? Thanks!
A: While pregnant with my second daughter, I was in the hospital on a morphine drip at 34 wks (she was pushing out a disc in my back) and was sent home on both Hydrocodone and Percocet. I had to take them regularly for severe pain and she turned out juuuust fine. They would not perscribe them to you unless they were safe. Your baby is past the major developmental stages and is just growing those chubby little appendages now. Take them as needed – it will not hurt your baby. OB’s are really particular about that – they would not give them to you if it would. They wouldn’t even let me take Alieve or Motrin for migraines, but they said that the Hydrocodone is safe. Go figure. Good luck hun and God bless! 🙂
IS it safe to take hydrocodone while pregnant?
Q: My doctor prescribe me hydrocodone for my migrains. And im concerned for my baby health.
A: Yes. I was prescribed it twice during my pregnancy for back and neck spasms (they were so bad I couldn’t move my head, or get myself out of bed). They are fine to take. I don’t know how effective it will be, though. They tend to give me headaches. You can ask your doctor about fioricet. That’s what I took for migraines when I was pregnant and they worked wonderfully!I just wanted to add-my physician previously worked in a pain management facility. All of her pregnant patients who took vicodin had normal, healthy pregnancies and babies. They want to you wean a few weeks prior to delivery so your baby doesn’t go through ‘withdrawls’. If you’re only taking it for migraines (which shouldn’t be too often) there is little cause for concern.
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