Can you die from having the LAP-BAND surgery

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All surgical procedures have risks, and death during or after the surgery is one of them. Talk to your surgeon about complications that may arise, then you will have the information you need to make the right decision. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from having the LAP-BAND surgery
How many people have died having lap band surgery?
how many people died on this earth

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has anyone died from lap band surgery?
Q: I would like lap band surgery and need to know costs in victoria melbourne and if anyone has become really sick and how much time i would take off work? ive just started a new job.
A: Yes, I don’t know of anybody personally, but a couple of people I know had relatives die from this surgery. Be sure to consider all of the risks.
What can you tell me about Lap Band surgery vs. Bariatric surgery?
Q: Has anyone had personal or professional experience with either of these? What information can you give me as far as success, risks, considerations, cost, follow-up care, happiness with the overall procedures? Thanks! :)Additional DetailsI’ve encountered people who have had bad luck with Bariatric surgery. Two that I know have died from complications. I’m also concerned about what happens with fast weight loss…what to do with all the extra skin. I saw at least one surgery on the Discovery channel where that was removed and the guy looked like he’d been sawed in half…it was horrible. I’m not that familiar with Lap Band, but a friend is considering it so I’m just looking for some information about it. Thanks!
A: It’s something that is potentially dangerous and can have a lot of complications…. but any surgery can. The Lap Band is a lot safer than “Stomach stapling” because of the fact it’s adjustable and removable…. but it can still cause damage in the long run.Surgeries like this are literally clamping off part of your stomach to make it smaller (as I’m sure you know), and for many people, they essentially starve themselves to lose weight with these. It’s a lot safer in most cases to use diet, exercise and willpower/support/supplements to lose weight. Yes, it’s a bit harder (since the surgery shrinks your stomach, which takes the willpower out of the equation a bit more), but it’s a lot healthier in the long run
Considering Lap Band Surgery – has anyone heard of deaths related to this surgery?.?
Q: Okay… the deal is… I’m fat. But I’m not so fat that I qualify for insurance to cover the procedure.I am, however, obese. So, I am able to get the Lap Band… but I will have to pay for it.I think I am going to do it.I have a beautiful 4 year old. The worst thing I could imagine is her having to grow up without a mother. The second worse is having her mother just get fatter and fatter with each failed diet.Does anyone have any statistics on people who have died from complications of lap band surgery?Please don’t tell me to try to diet and exercise… been there… done that… for the past 15 years…. each time I diet… I come back with avengance.
A: Most people who die are people who are very old or have other complications like high BP, diabetes, heart problems, etc.Since this is an elective surgery, they will make you get everything tested, like see a cardiologist (stresstest, ekg, echocardiogram), pulmonogist (lung function test, sleep apnea), gastroentologist (endoscopy), blood tests, physchiatry, etc.The most dangerous part is the anesthesia. If everything else is good, you won’t have any problems.Apparently, less that 2% of people have problem with anything serious from the lapband. My surgeon had done over 600 surgeries and lost only one.Most statistics you get do not cover lapband.. they cover all bariatric surgery, whether it be lapband, Duodenal Switch, or Rouen-Y.My advice:1. Get a good surgeon who has done many surgeries (over 100)2. Avoid Mexico or any other 3rd world country.3. Get the surgery on a Monday or Tuesday. So you are home by Wednesday or Thursday. If you had surgery on a Thursday, and case of complications, over the weekend (first 72 hours) there are less surgeons available and you may have to work with the resident or intern!
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