How do I get to sleep fast

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I get to sleep fast”,you can compare them.

To get to sleep fast:1.Lay down and clear your mind. Don’t think about your tasks or problems of the day or the issues that you may face tomorrow 2.Focus on your breathing. Inhale for 3 seconds exhale for 3 seconds. Continue this with your eyes MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get to sleep fast
・ 1 Write it down – Take a moment to think about why you are not sleeping. Write it down on with a pen… ・ 2 Pray – Get on your knees by your bed and ask God to help you sleep and take away anything that giving… ・ 3 Sleep Mask – Your eye…
Don’t fall into the trap of waiting until you are sleepy. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. They feel like since they are going to lie in bed awake they may as well just stay up a little while longer until they are feeling sl…
I used to have that same problem, but I seem to have outgrown it. Are you going to bed when you feel tired? I usually go to bed when I’m exhausted. (though I dont think I’m getting enough sleep haha) When I’m exhausted my body can’t do a…

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how to get to sleep faster?
Q: i have to go to bed at 10 and i have to go to 14 so boos wont f***in work for me so seriously please no stupid answers
A: Well you have parents that care and want you rested healthy and not texting and wasting your time. I bet you lay there and do your muliplications you will fall sleep as you can not think about nothing other than that and it wont get you thinking of other things. So you fall asleep. But as your Boos f****in is so nasty!!! Why does a girl that at anyage need to do this could you not ask and not use the trash mouth?????
What are some good ways to get sleep fast?
Q: I have trouble getting to sleep all the time! What are some ways to get to sleep fast?
A: sometimes i do breathing exercises which help make you more relaxed and let your body know its time to rest.try this one:lying flat on your back close your eyes.Inhale for 4-5 seconds then hold it for 2 seconds. Then exhale. Repeat this about 5 times and you will find your self very relaxed afterwards.Another thing to remember is not to focus on how you are not falling asleep and stressful things such as work,school,relationships, etc. Focus on something that you are looking forward to in the future such as a weekend activity or vacation. This will help calm you down and you will be asleep in no time!
How many Advil PM’s will it take to get me to sleep fast?
Q: I have a huge headache and little aches and pains all over. I just want to get to sleep fast! I have a little bottle of Advil PM in my fridge, and I want to know how many to take.I was thinking 3-4.Any ideas?
A: First of all I don’t think you should keep it in the fridge.Check with a pharmacy on that,your the first person I’ve ever heard of who keeps aspirin in the fridge. I and a several other people I know take 4 Advil ,Aleve or extra strength Tylenol etc. all the time and it won’t kill you.But depending on how often you do it,it will eventually irritate your stomach.
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