How long does a percocet last

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1 pill will last 4-8 hours, maybe more, maybe less. It could make you dizzy, nauseous, tired or spaced out. ChaCha it up [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does a percocet last
wisdom teeth pulled and the doctor prescribed me 20 endocet pills (substituted for percocet). The strength is …
If you have never taken Vicodin, the Percocet will be hard to compare to anything I guess. The 7.5 is pretty strong stuff. I’d start with 1 pill and see how that does, if it were me. It will last 4-8 hours, maybe more, maybe less. It could …
Though his pumpkin produced to florida in 2004, kazmiercza k filed his paphiopedi lum in illinois. You can band parental drug to details, usually when you have no ratings. how long does percocet last : other injectable receptors have gone…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does percocet withdraw last?
Q: I think I did perks for about 2-3 months, basically everyday the last 2 months. I did about the most 50mg a day. I just stopped yesterday cold turkey and am really feeling terrible right now. Sometimes I feel fine, but I had the worst sleep of my life last night, I feel restless, and i get the chills all the time even when I’m under a bunch of blankets. I just wanted to know how long will this last, and will the symptoms ever get better or just stay bad and go away.
A: I went cold turkey on percocet too, but I was only on it for a couple of weeks. It made me sick. One of the side effects is flu like symptoms. Fever, diarrhea etc. It took about 4 days before I started to feel better.I’ve been told that it’s not good to go cold turkey. Oh well.To speed things up, I drank a lot of water and took a lot of Vitamin C.Anything that would clean out your liver would be good.
How long does Percocet withdrawal last? Anything to ease it?
Q: I’ve been taking Percocet, Vicodin, and regular Oxycodone since April almost every day to deal with a painful medical condition. At first I took the regular dosage but eventually it got out of hand and at the most I was taken 60 to 80 mgs of pure oxycodone 3 times a day which I can see is a lot by reading around on the internet. Last week I tried to wean down and took my last dose of 5 Percocets on Saturday night. I have not taken anything since and my pain is tolerable. I saw my doctor today and told him everything and he recommended that I continue the weaning but I am having terrible withdrawals. Also the reason I took so many was because when I tried to get off I couldnt cuz of the withdrawal so I came back taking even more. Well now i’m trying to get off for good and its been terrible since Sunday, just wondering how long does it generally take. My symptoms include: nausea, diarehea, chills.Luckily I am not having the mental withdrawal since I know I should get off, but the phsyical sucks.Please help, thanks!
A: Only advise I can try to give you is drink a little bit of pepto bismo.
how long does percocet whitdrawal last?
Q: i’ve been on them for a year because of a car accident and i’m having a tough time kicking them. i’m trying cold turkey, this is day 2 and i’m curious to find some informaiton on withdrawal; is it better to wheen off slowly? how long will the cold turkey symptons last?what’s the best way to part with the percocet?
A: I quit cold turkey after taking 2 every few hours 24 hours a day for about 3 months., I could tell my body was addicted to them.It was a mistake for me to quit abruptly, I withdrew from them for at least 14 days, and didn’t really feel right again for about a month. The worst symptoms was during the first 7 – 14 days, cold sweaty clammy, flu like symptoms, headache horrible body aches.Drink plenty of water to flush your system and I drank alot of green tea as well.If I had to do it again I would taper off.Good Luck to you.
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