Is there a cure for colitis

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For most people, medications can control symptoms and promote healing of colitis. The majority of patients need surgery only if they can’t tolerate effective medications or tests detect precancerous changes in the colon. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a cure for colitis
Is there a cure for Colitis?
As I am sure you are aware, Colitis is a seriously bad illness and if you ask the doc he will tell you it is untreatable. I cured myself after living with it and a huge amount of drugs for 3 years, but it requires a seriously strong will to…
What are treatments for colitis?
Colitis Treatment. View diagnostic tests, medical proecedures, otc and prescription drugs on Healthline Treatment Search. There are 16 procedures, 6 prescriptions, and 2 supplements found for Colitis…
What is the cure for colitis?
When I was diagnosed a few years ago, the doctors told me the cure was to remove the colon. But with Prednisone and Asacol, they got it under control, and then switched me to Azathioprine/Imuran and now I’m normal. Hope that helps =)

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are there any natural medicines that can cure ulcerative colitis?
Q: 1,4000 mg a day of asacol. 100 mg a day of mercaptopurine. 1mg folic acid a day. 1 Multi-vitamin and 350mg iron per day. Keeps you stable. Does not stop the colon from bleeding. Anti inflammatory steroids good for short term, for long term very dangerous. Side effects are really nasty. Any natural medicines out there to be proven to cure ulcerative colitis or to help the colon stop bleeding completely? Please don’t mention colectomy (removal of the colon). There has to be something before resorting to a last resort decision. Thank you.
A: I took asacol and it made my condition worse (more anemic) and I had the modified parks procedure (j-pouch) 3 years ago. I am much healthier and would do it all over again (surgery) if I had to. I was close to having a blood transfusion done and my colitis was so bad that they told me that I had a high chance of developing colon cancer in 10 yrs if I didn’t have the whole colon removed. There is no colostomy bag and I lead a normal life (more than when I had U.C). There are support groups out there that can give you more insight and people who have had the procedure done (I still attend them)..I know you didn’t want to know about this procedure but my ulcerative colitis was downright nasty and I tried to take the route of medicine.
Is there any researsh going on to cure Ulcerative Colitis?
Q: I have UC for about four and a half years now i get flairups from time to time but still i’m not living a normal life coz of the UC … so I realy wanna know if there is any researshes going on from any part of the world to cure UC just to give me some hope to feel a litel better
A: there are some clinical trials just search for them on the c omputer, my mother has uc and was diagnosed in the 80’s with it, at the time it was so “new” to the doctors and she lived in such a small town there was very little therapy to help her, she ended up being on a lot of steroids and asacol, she is now in “remission” and has been for about 17 years. She goes every year at least for a colonscope to check for cancer and flare ups.she told me the other day (they think my child has chrons which she also has) that the best way to get it under control is to find the times of day where u have to “go” and time your eating habits around it to train your body she also is not on any medicaton for it at the time. she does take a laxitive every day to keep things flushed out.its a hard disease to live with, and to beat it all when we found out she had it we thought that was it, they put her on so many experimental therapis it wasn’t even funny, including chemotherapy. My father at the time had been prepared to have to raise me, and it turned out she went into remission and he passed away about 2 years later.good luck, find a good gi doc at a major medical center, there is hope!
I recently had a colonscopy results given at that time suggest diverticular colitis is there a cure for this?
Q: As I was saying results printed after procedure by doctor indicate the following ; evidence of colitis of the sigmoid,mucosa appeared thickened and edematous. one biopsy sample was taken of this area I still have not received results. is this a serious condition and if this is are there any cures or treatement?
A: I want to expand the last ‘answer’ because it was a bit vague. First of all, colitis, of any kind, is a serious condition with no known cause or cure. Unfortunately, those with colitis (like myself) must try their best to remain in remission. A comparison: ULCERATIVE colitis is when there are ulcers along the colon walls. Picture little bumps or mountains. When food passes through it can rub against those bumps which cuses irritation which in turns can cause bleeding, more inflammation and a flare-up. DIVERTICULITIS is when holes or valleys line the colon wall. When food passes through it can get stuck in the holes and have no way of getting out. The food can create infection and at the worst case scenario, that part of the colon must be removed. If your doctor is telling you that you have signs of diverticulitis then try the following things: -Stay away from all seeds (tomato, blueberries, sunflower etc etc)-stay away from popcorn kernals-be careful with nuts.. most recommend you stay away from them as wellBe very careful with your diet, its one of the best ways to control this problem. Also, you will need to have regular colonosopies to ensure that there is no infection going unnoticed in your colon. A medication may exist but I am unsure of that (I have Ulcerative colitis and anti-inflammatory meds exists for that). Hope that helps.
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