What does it mean if I sweat blood

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Jesus sweat drops of blood.But if you are currently Sweating blood was reported by few persons in high stress situations.call 911. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-i-sweat-blood ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if I sweat blood
What does it mean if I sweat blood
Jesus sweat drops of blood.But if you are currently Sweating blood was reported by few persons in high stress situations.call 911.
What do the lyrics of this song mean? Spinning Wheel, by Blood Sw…?
I’m not going to sit here and think of that complicated an answer. Suffice it to say the song is talking about life. It’s saying basically what goes around, comes around, what goes up, must come down. Life is like one big spinning wheel, wh…
Why Obama could mean blood ,sweat and tears for Germany – Page 2 …?
God forbid that anyone, Obama or anyone else, should suggest that Germany and other European nations, which have long prospered under the protection of the US defense establishment, should be asked or expected to shoulder part of the burden…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean to sweat blood?
Q: I’m just curious.I dont sweat blood, I just want to know what it means.
A: sweating blood is dangerous you can loose way to much blood and die it means that blood has escaped into your pores if this happens they should definatly see a doctor
whats does blood sweat and tears sing the music group i mean?
Q: what songs do they sing
A: Most famous song is “Spinning Wheel”
What do the lyrics of this song mean? Spinning Wheel, by Blood Sweat & Tears.?
Q: What do the lyrics of this song mean? The song is Spinning Wheel, by Blood Sweat & Tears. Looking for an informed and educated translation, if any? If none, what do you think it the song means?To hear the song, or lyrics go to YouTube Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuoytpKkKqgI am somewhat familiar with the history, back in early1967 in order to pay Al’s way to England. Keyboardist Al Kooper and drummer Bobby Colomby put together an ensemble of classically trained jazz musicians and combined their horns with the remains of The Blues Project, including guitarist Steve Katz. After they performed, Katz and Colomby convinced Kooper to stay in the U.S. The result was a unique blend of rock and roll and jazz, a throwback to the day of the big-band, and a nod to the popular psychedelic rock of the mid to late 60’s. This union was Blood, Sweat, and Tears. The arrival of David Clayton-Thomas brought success to the group and throughout the years, BS&T sold over 35million albums, won several Grammy Awards, and continued to push the envelope in combining elements of rock, jazz, blues, Latin music, classical, and soul. I’m looking for a tangible translation of Spinning Wheel, if any.MAKE SOMETHING UP, I DON’T CARE. JUST TIME ME WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS. ????????????MAKE SOMETHING UP, I DON’T CARE. JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS. ????????????
A: I’m not going to sit here and think of that complicated an answer.Suffice it to say the song is talking about life. It’s saying basically what goes around, comes around, what goes up, must come down. Life is like one big spinning wheel, where everything is chance, where she stops nobody knows.The song describes things coming full circle, and repeating again. That’s the way I look at it, I hope you care for my take on it.
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