What is the best way to prevent an asthma attack

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Ways to prevent an asthma attack is to stay away from cigarette smoke, fireplaces, MSG, and aspirin. Use an air purifier and use it to clean the air around you. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-prevent-an-asthma-attack ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to prevent an asthma attack
What is the best way to play through an asthma attack??
I have recently realized that I have exercise induced asthma as well as regular asthma and severe allergies. To help avoid problems I always take my inhaler with me. In advance I do take my allergy pills, zyrtec works fantastic and is avail…
What is the best way to avoid an asthma attack?
I have asthma, (not too severe) but i often have a hard time breathing simply after laughing or working out. any suggestions. (i have an albuterole inhaler.) Jun If you’re an asthmatic, how can you tell the difference between an asthma at…
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I saw some answers here on Yahoo and people were checking out this site. http://www.asthmalibrary.com/

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How to prevent the asthma attack?
Q: I’m curious to know what is actually triggers asthma attack and how to prevent it. Is it true that by doing some simple exercise such as swimming can lessen the asthma attack as well as strenghten the lungs for asthma patient? i’m very worried as my boyfriend have asthma. eventhough the asthma attack is seldom occured to him, but i am still worry. He is a smoker (i’ve already told him to quit smoking eventhough he is not a heavy smoker) and sometimes refused to watch what he eats. i want to know the best way to improve his condition. Please help..
A: An asthma attack is brought on by a persons triggers, and they are different for every asthmatic. His are obviously not smoking, but maybe pets or pollen or smog or even exercise itself can be a trigger. Once you know what your triggers are, just simply avoid them or be medicated for them, ie Zyrtec for allergies. As for the healthy diet, it is true that ingested carbohydrates will produce excess carbon dioxide, (CO2), but that is only a worry for those with emphysema, who naturally retain CO2 because of their disease. If you are worried that he may become overweight and that that extra weight will contribute to his asthma attacks, you are perfectly correct, an overweight asthmatic will be more prone to attacks than a healthy asthmatic ever will be…their body just has more weight to carry around and the constant strain that that puts on the respiratory system is sometimes more than the lungs can handle, and it will set off an attack. As a side note, ALL asthmatics should be taking their maintenance drugs such as Advair, Albuterol, Atrovent, Flovent, Pulmacort, etc…These will help avoid attacks better than anything else.
How do you know when your gonna get an Asthma Attack?
Q: I was wondering. Can an Asthma attack happen at any particular time? And when is the time an Asthma Attack can really come? .. When your playing sports(Basketball?)? And what can you do to prevent an asthma attack from coming?
A: I have asthma and I can tell that I am going to get an asthma attack if I am having trouble breathing and it isn’t subsiding. The plus to that is that I use an inhaler which helps me breath 🙂 Yes, asthma can happen at any time, it isn’t a selective problem, but you have a greater chance of getting an ashma attack if your in an asthma inducing environment.ashma inducment can be different for some people. There is exercise induced asthma which you mentioned (playing sports) umm, it can be triggered by things such as mold/pollen/dust/aroms/etc. I got an ashtma attack in the mall, becasue Sephora stunk so badly from perfumes and such. Also, people can get asthma attacks from stress as well. To avoid it, avoid the things which causes it, take medicine, use an inhaler.
Is there an optimal time period for using an inhaler to prevent an asthma attack?
A: To prevent an asthma attack you should use your emergency inhaler, such as proventil,albuterol,or combivent about 20 minutes before doing any exercise or if you will be around odors that bother you or whatever you know that will effect your breathing.
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