What pill can you take to die

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Most drugs can be overdosed on, and might end up killing you. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-pill-can-you-take-to-die ]
More Answers to “What pill can you take to die
How many phenobarbital pills for dogs would i have to take to die…?
Oh wow, that’s a scary question. I assume it would take a lot as with any pill. That would be a sad way to die. If someone did overdose on that pill it would be a slow and painful death. If on the off chance they didn’t die from the overdos…
Why do you take a pill that makes you likelier to die than if you…?
It’s ‘sulfonylureas’, and despite the popular (misinformed) opinions presented here by so called health care providers, lay people, and pharmacists… you couldn’t persuade me to ever take those things. How anyone can justify forcing an alr…
How many pills do you have to take before you die??
A single cyanide capsule is lethal. On the other hand, you could take thousands of sugar pills and only have a bellyache and a dry mouth. So, it really depends on what type of pill.

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hi, i am trying to figure out what happens if you drink alcohol and take a laxative pill. can u die?
Q: i want to take a laxative pill before i got out tomorrow as ive been having, problems. the problem is i know i am going to be drinking, alot, and i cannot avoid this. what is the risk of mixing the 2 as it says dont. can i die? or is it just like a 24 hour thing?
A: You should be fine. There isn’t much in alcohol to interfere with a laxative. Please be careful drinking and don;t drive.
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Q: I mean, we can go to a doctor and get medicine to help cure all sorts of ailments. Is there a euthanasia pill? There should be.
A: yes there should be you freak
Diabetics taking sulfonureas: Why do you take a pill that makes you likelier to die than if you did nothing?
Q: I’ve never heard of sweet potatoes doing it, but a wrinkly cucumber from japan called Bitter Melon is very effective on all aspects of diabetes type 2 and even type 1.You mean the calorie-free, all-fiber japanese sweet potato they use to make those noodles with? It is called–Yam (lol–just looked at the package). I am sure there must be another more specific name for them…
A: It’s ‘sulfonylureas’, and despite the popular (misinformed) opinions presented here by so called health care providers, lay people, and pharmacists… you couldn’t persuade me to ever take those things. How anyone can justify forcing an already overworked pancreas to work itself to death is beyond me. To me, that’s a recipe for early dependency on insulin. Besides, with the recent news about the ACCORD study, it has not been proven that aggressive lowering of blood sugar lengthens a persons life… in fact, just the opposite…. “A Therapeutic Strategy Targeting Blood Sugar to Near-Normal Levels Does Not Reduce Cardiovascular Events But Increases Mortality in Persons with Diabetes at High Risk ” (see link below).No medication is more effective at treating type two diabetes than a healthy high nutrient, low refined carb, natural foods based diet with plenty of moderate daily exercise. Recently, I read an article where a Japanese sweet potato (caiapo) was just as effective as Metformin at lowering insulin resistance. I’ve found that there are plenty of other supplements that are equally effective at helping me live a medication free life after years of dependency on ‘modern medicine’. I repeat, though…. no medication (or supplement) can replace healthy diet and daily exercise.Bitter Melon (aka: ampalaya) is only a minor player in the quest to overcome this disease, but yes, I’ve tried that one too. Thanks for reminding me, I just read this interesting article: http://www.ampalayafordiabetes.com/clinical.html
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