What should I do if there is milk in my eyes

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What should I do if there is milk in my eyes”,you can compare them.

If milk is in your eyes, go over to your bathroom sink and rinse it out with some cool water. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-there-is-milk-in-my-eyes ]
More Answers to “What should I do if there is milk in my eyes
What should I do if there is milk in my eyes
If milk is in your eyes, go over to your bathroom sink and rinse it out with some cool water.
How to squirt milk from eyes?
Pinch your nose right now and try to blow out through it. You might feel a little stream of air coming out from the inner corner of one or both eyes. My best guess is that after you suck the milk into your nose, you plug your nose and try t…
Does Soaking Cotton Balls in Milk Help Puffy Eyes?
Soaking cotton balls in milk is a common home remedy for puffy eyes, and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support its effectiveness. The fact is milk is a cold liquid, and a cold compress is the best treatment for swelling like unde…

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A: u should consult ur physician. u could a an issue with ur thyroid. also make sure u don’t eat to much salt & drink plenty water.
i found 2 kittens and there eyes are open and they will not eat should i give them milk the vet is not open?
Q: my child found them and the vet is not open on Saturdays and Sundays i have called and he will not be able to see them for 2 weeks
A: go to petsmart and get them some formula, not regular milk. that can give them diahera and cause worms. give them the formula and maybe some soft kitten food, u can get the stuff in a bag and mush it up with some water, that’s what i had to do with one of my other cats cause he was really young when i got him. from there let them sleep and keep them in a close area, and if ur not sure the mother abaonded them then go back to where u found them and check maybe. the ppl at petsmart should be able to help you, there’s usually even a little vet center in there, and ppl that can help. Take them with you, but keep them in something cause of all the dogs in there.
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