What should you do for chronic headache

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What should you do for chronic headache”,you can compare them.

Self-Care Tips for Headaches * Apply ice packs or heat on your neck and head. * Gently massage the muscles of your neck and scalp. * Use relaxation exercises.# Take aspirin, or an aspirin substitute, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-you-do-for-chronic-headache ]
More Answers to “What should you do for chronic headache
What causes Chronic headache?
Causes of Chronic headache: see causes of Chronic headache
What Is Chronic Daily Headache?
CDH is typically defined as head pain occurring daily, or nearly daily, at least 15 days a month. Within the classification of CDH, there are subtypes:
Why Do I Have a Chronic Headache?
A chronic headache is a headache that occurs frequently. For a tension headache to be labeled chronic, it must appear at least 15 times a month for at least 3 months. Chronic headaches do not need to give cause for alarm, as the vast majori…

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Q: I’ve had a chronic headache for several years now. Some days are worse than others. On the days when it is worse, my vision is also somewhat more blurry than on days when it’s not so bad. I feel fatigued almost everyday but I am in good health otherwise. The headaches are not a pain that is regulated to one spot, it is more of a foggy sensation (sort of like a hangover) in the top half of my head. Their is no particular time of the day that is worse or better than others. Any suggestions?
A: Quite often diet is to blame for these type of headaches (assuming you have been investigated medically). Consult an allergy food expert who can test you and make suggestions to a new dietary regime.
What could cause “A chronic headache that is worse after coughing, exertion, straining or a sudden movement”?
Q: I have had a headache for 3 days, now I am starting to feel nauseous. The above statement applies to me (assuming 3 days is ‘chronic’), and I assumed I just had a migraine. But this statement is in the “see a doctor ASAP’ list for headaches, and I am out of town for the holidays so I can only go to an ER.I haven’t hit my head or anything recently
A: you could have concussed
Chronic headache + some dizziness, should I be worried?
Q: I’m a 17-year-old girl who never really had a headache until the past half a year (I didn’t know what a headache felt like until I was 15 or so). Now I get headaches that seem to be concentrated in one area often, although they are still mild. Recently I’ve been getting dizzy more often….should I be concerned and look into going to a doctor? (I don’t want to let my parents know or else they’d be worried)
A: Could be several things, from eye strain ( needing glasses or contacts, or if you already wear, may need a change in prescription of lens) to the start of migraines. ( if you’re on thepill, have you recently changed to a different brand? Maybe there is one with a lower dosage of hormones you should betrying) Really you should have a good COMPLETE check-up including a eye exam to rule out any medical issues. If clear? Maybe you need to consider if you are getting enough sleep and proper diet. We get so busy these days, sleep is something we push pass.. till our body says STOP! but it will lead to things like above. C
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