What would happen if someone fell asleep while driving

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If someone fell asleep while driving, they could cause a horrible accident that might kill others or themselves. To help stay awake while driving, open the car window to allow plenty of fresh air into the car. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-happen-if-someone-fell-asleep-while-driving ]
More Answers to “What would happen if someone fell asleep while driving
What would happen if someone fell asleep while driving
If someone fell asleep while driving, they could cause a horrible accident that might kill others or themselves. To help stay awake while driving, open the car window to allow plenty of fresh air into the car. Thanks for asking ChaCha!
How could someone in their right mind posssibly fall asleep while…?
its not as hard as you may think. there are lots of factors invovled, obviously tiredness is one, but then other things like medication come into play. then of course, sometimes the journey itself is boring, and then combined with the monot…

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Q: I know that the plane will crash if no one else is around to drive it. But if he does falls asleep will there be anyone there to take over, like an assistant or something. I was wondering because I recently read an article about a man falling asleep while driving an airplane and then crashing. And I’m scared because I’m going on an airplane soon and my flight leaves very early in the morning and I’m worried that the pilot might be tired.Bub- So what happens if the computer system stops working or something?
A: Commercial planes are mostly flown by computers once they take off and most of the landing part is computerized. Not to worry, there is also a co pilot there with him, so they would both need to fall asleep. Good luck
Mom falls asleep while driving?
Q: I’ve noticed that ever since a few months ago, my mother begins to fall asleep while driving. She has even gotten into an accident — I’m not sure if it was because she had food poisoning that night, or because she was tired. Perhaps it was both. Currently we live far from town, so the drive to and from is longer than she’s used to. She doesn’t get a good night’s sleep either — 4, 5 hours at the max due to work. This falling asleep while driving incidents usually happen during the end of the day. She’s 44, but she really seems to be aging in every aspect of her life. I already know I’d have a problem confronting her, because she is the type of person who thinks she’s never wrong, and that she’s superwoman. She will feel attacked. I was thinking I could go through my doctor, or therapist, in order to try to get to her. I’m not sure how soon I can get an appointment, though. I read somewhere about how sucking on lemons help. I think she might have a sleeping problem as well. I could be talking to her and she’d fall asleep, and then get up as if she was never sleeping. But as far back as I can remember, this has always happened. Shes an easy sleeper.I really need help, I don’t want to have to worry about her so much, especially when I’m not around. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
A: You’re concerned for her life, you should talk to her about it. Even if she does get mad, you don’t want something like her getting into a terrible wreck on your conscience! It’s also a danger to others—just another reason to talk to her about it. If you love someone, you should do anything to keep them from harm. Jut approach her with “I want to talk to you about something because I love you and I care for you very much. I dont want you to get hurt…”To stay awake when driving, keep a drink in the car, roll the windows down or turn the AC up (make yourself uncomfortable), turn music up…I’m sure lemons would work as well. Anything that keeps your body from getting too comfortable will keep you awake.
Fall asleep while driving-during the day?
Q: Sometimes if I go for a drive in the afternoon, I get so sleepy I have micro sleeps. I feel fine when I get into the car, but then after driving for a while, I will sometimes suddenly feel so tired I can’t keep my eyes open. I try everything, drinking, eating, loud music, winding down the window even slapping and hurting myself, or starting the trip when I need to go to the toilet, just because I desperately want to stay awake. I sleep about 8 hours a night, don’t have any trouble falling asleep most nights and most of the time I sleep through the whole night, like don’t wake up at all. Anyone else experience anything like this? It sometimes happens at other times as well, sometimes I’ll sit down, watch a movie and even if I have a friend over, no matter where I am I’ll suddenly get that impossible sleepy feeling and fall asleep like straight away. It’s not just feeling tired, it’s actually feeling like you’re falling asleep right that second and it’s almost impossible to fight. Doesn’t happen if I’m walking around though. Any advice would be much appreciated.
A: You should really see a doctor, that’s not normal. Perhaps you have a really mild case of narcolepsy. You shouldn’t be driving if this happens, as they say a tired driver can sometimes be MORE dangerous than a drunk one.
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