When people lie do there ears turn red

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When people get nervous or embarrassed, their face becomes flushed and turns red. This also happens to the ears. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-people-lie-do-there-ears-turn-red ]
More Answers to “When people lie do there ears turn red
When people lie do there ears turn red
When people get nervous or embarrassed, their face becomes flushed and turns red. This also happens to the ears. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it true or just a myth that our ears turn red when we say lie ,is there any scientific reason behind this?
A: well, not if you’re a good liar who can control their blood flow…
When you lie to yourself, do your ears turn red ?
A: No, something gets longer but it’s not my nose! LOLCome to think of it, no wonder he says Lie to me Roger, Lie to me! when we’re doing it.
Myth or what? Ears go red when lying?
Q: Sometimes my sister asks me a question and randomly say your ears are red. Are you lying? Im not sure if she notice if my ears turn red. I dont even know if they really do. And i don’t lie ;)But yeah is it just my sister or is it like a saying?
A: some peoples ears go red when theyre lying, but not everyone, the only way to truly see if somone is lying is to look at muscle movement in the head and arms, but you have to be a pro for that
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