Which is better with acne: a facial peel or facial mask

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is better with acne: a facial peel or facial mask”,you can compare them.

Facial peels are good for spots that have been left due to past acne while facials masks are good for stopping future acne. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-better-with-acne%3A-a-facial-peel-or-facial-mask ]
More Answers to “Which is better with acne: a facial peel or facial mask
Which is better with acne: a facial peel or facial mask
Facial peels are good for spots that have been left due to past acne while facials masks are good for stopping future acne.

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which is better?
Q: Should I use a clay facial mask or a peel-off facial mask? I have very sensitive skin, dry cheeks, but oily T-Zone. I don’t have acne, but if I touch my face @ all, I’ll get a pimple xactly where I touched.I like a “celan pore” feeling, so do u have any suggestions?
A: if you have sensitive skin, don’t get any mask. they have facial cleansers that you can use for your fare face.thy have little cloths with liquids on that really help. they lso have warming cleansers. you put it on and it heats up your face automatically so it opens the pores and gets the dirt out. there are a lot of things you could use.
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