Acting Character Development – Relating to Your Surrounding Objects

Acting requires far more than being able to convincingly say dialogue and move around a set. Rather, this form of artistry requires persons to react in a lifelike manner to circumstances and surroundings. One of the most important acting skills to learn is how to react to objects around them.

When writing this article, I kept thinking about the film “Cast Away.” Within this film, Tom Hanks delivers a wonderful performance that is surprisingly silent. Throughout the course of his story, Tom Hanks discovers a soccer ball that becomes his best friend. While the ball, lovingly referred to as “Wilson,” is nothing more than an object, void of emotion, thought or life, it was through the commitment of Tom Hanks and his ability to react and interact with this object that made this simple soccer ball spring to life.

Relating to the Character

Perhaps one of the most important ways of relating to objects is by relating to the clothing that your character wears. Think about it, the clothes you’re wearing right now are not simply there to shelter your body from the elements, but they are worn to provide a statement about your personality. Your clothing can dramatically alter your perception of yourself, and ultimately the world around you.

As an actor, you should learn to relate to the clothing your character wears. It is within these clothes that you will find the character as these clothes were not simply chosen by the wardrobe department, but they were “chosen” by your character.

The clothing choice that your character makes directly communicates how this “person” views the world around him as well as how he views himself.

Personal Objects

Props in a stage production and in a film are not chosen to simply take up space, but rather chosen as they have “meaning” to your character. Think about it, in your home you do not have objects just to take up space, but you selected these objects for a particular reason. Whether this reason be necessity or by personal taste (decorating) these innate objects have a personal meaning and connection.

By connecting and creating a backstory for these objects, you help connect with your character on a deep level as you’ll finally be delving into his subconscious and true personality.

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