Why Rats Make Great Pets

The idea of owning rats turns most people off, but with a little education and an open mind it is easy to see why rats actually make marvelous pets. Domesticated rats that are purchased from a pet store or breeder are not the same as wild rats. Rats designed to be pets have been bred for temperament, intelligence, and optimum health. Whether you looking for a pet that loves human interaction or one that is able to be left alone without worry, rats are truly the best of both worlds. Here are some reasons why rats make great pets.

Even though rats can be left alone for extended periods of time, they are very social creatures and crave human interaction. They form close relationships with their human companions and are easily trained to follow simple commands. Unlike most small animals that do not like to be handled, rats love to come out and play with the family. They are as inquisitive and playful as puppies but are as low maintenance as cats. In fact, because rats are social creatures it is recommended that you get two or more of the same gender so they can have constant companionship. Even so, nothing replaces spending quality time with your pet. Rats love to cuddle with their people, making them an ideal choice for owners who want an interactive pet.

Rats are one of the easiest animals to care for. All they really require is daily feedings and a change of water. Scooping waste out of their bedding should be done every couple of days, a full bedding change should be given weekly, and you only have to give the cage a good wash once a month. If you have to go on an overnight trip it is perfectly safe to leave your rat alone; as long as they are provided with extra food and water they will be fine. Rats are perfect for people who may have to travel occasionally but don’t want to worry about finding a pet sitter.

There are many costs associated with any type of pet, but rats are by far one of the cheapest to own and maintain. All they require is a cage, bedding, food, water, and a couple of toys to keep them stimulated. Cages can be wire, plastic, or plexiglass. No matter what type of cage you decide on they are all very inexpensive. Bedding and food are also just dollars and will last for a very long time. Cat toys are ideal for rats, but they also love homemade toys such as cardboard toilet paper rolls and tissue boxes. Rats themselves are very cheap, and can often be found for sale at major pet stores for just a few dollars. The cage you decide to buy your rat will be the only significant purchase you make for your new pet, and monthly supplies will generally run less than $20.

As you can see, rats are actually an ideal pet to own. They are affectionate and interactive, yet require very little maintenance. With the proper care and upkeep your pet rat can live 2-3 years. Although any dedicated rat owner will tell you this doesn’t seem like nearly long enough, you will not be committing yourself to decades of pet care. Rats should definitely be considered by anyone who is looking for an easy and loving pet.

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