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Are swollen glands a symptom of chlamydia

Health related question in topics Swollen .We found some answers as below for this question “Are swollen glands a symptom of chlamydia”,you can compare them.

A:Symptoms of chlamydia may include intermittent vaginal bleeding or discharge, pain on urination, or abdominal discomfort. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/are-swollen-glands-a-symptom-of-chlamydia ]
More Answers to “Are swollen glands a symptom of chlamydia
Are swollen glands a symptom of chlamydia
Symptoms of chlamydia may include intermittent vaginal bleeding or discharge, pain on urination, or abdominal discomfort.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can chlamydia cause swollen gland in one side of the neck?
Q: Last week my boyfriend made a test and it was positive for chlamydia. And I have the symptoms too. That makes me very anxious and stressed, having great trouble eating and sleeping. Is this swollen gland caused by stress or do I have something more serious?
A: First off, have you been tested and treated? Has your boyfriend been treated?It’s very important you both are and refrain from any sexual activity while on the meds and then be retested again at the 3-4 week mark to make sure the meds did their job.As for the swollen gland, it sounds more like anxiety/stress than anything. Yet, swollen glands also intidicate possible infections your body is trying to fight off. It’s really something you need to brind up with a medical professional and I’m sure you will be treated right away.Relax – Chlamydia isn’t great but it is cureable, which is a good thing. Just go and get tested. Chlamydia / Gonorrhea NAAT tests are at a 95% accuracy.Good Luck!
Anyone very well informed about gonnorrhea and chlamydia?
Q: i keep finding mixed answers online. heres the story, i madeout with someone and a couple days later i developed a swollen gland in my left cheek and headache and swollen gland in my neck. its been about 2 weeks, almost three and all the symptoms are still there. i went to the doctor, its not strep or mono. what are the possibilities that i got chlamydia or gonorrhea that is the only other thing i could find that matched my symptoms.also i do not have insurance and i just blew alot of my money going to the doctor the 1st time i know lab work costs alot. i want a throat culture done i have called many std clinics and no one does the throat swab. even planned parenthood.. i found a few that swabs for gonnorrhea but i wont go unless i can find one that swabs for both i dont know why i cant find a place that swabs for chlamydia
A: you probably cannot find anywhere that swab tests for those diseases because those tests are not always accurate or conclusive….you need a simple blood test, or vaginal culture. If you told the doctor you saw about your concerns…which I doubt, he would have done these tests for you at the time and saved you some expense….but because you were not honest with him…he didn’t know to test for these things, and now you will have to see another doctor for the correct kind of testing.
Is this HIV??
Q: My friend (male) has kissed another person of the same sex and has developed blister like things in his mouth. I have looked up sympons of HIV and he has lots of these symptoms. The person my friend kissed has kissed someone else who has had sex with someone with chlamydia. He has a burning urine sensation swollen glands, weight loss and has had white discharge, headaches and he has been feeling tired. What could this be??
A: Sounds more like herpes
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