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Can apple cider get rid of a yeast infection

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It has been said tat it can help, but the best treatment is OTC or prescription cream. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-apple-cider-get-rid-of-a-yeast-infection ]
More Answers to “Can apple cider get rid of a yeast infection
Can apple cider get rid of a yeast infection
It has been said tat it can help, but the best treatment is OTC or prescription cream. ChaCha again soon!

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Apple cider vinegar to help candida/yeast?
Q: Hi allI have heard that apple cider vinegar is fantastic to lower yeast in our bodies, so I’ve been taking it for a few days now whilst on the “candida diet”. The thing is I have yeast infection-like symptoms now (which I read could happen as the body gets rid of yeast).Can anyone else share their experience with this, or any other wisdom on how to lower yeast in the body?Thank you!!
A: Are you taking probiotics too?You should be taking some acidophilus.You can get them at any pharmacy.
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A: You can use white vinegar for yeast infection. Aside from using white vinegar for yeast infection, one can also try the apple cider vinegar which acts in the same way as the latter.Resources for Yeast Infection Causes, Cures, Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies:http://yeast-infection-guide.blogspot.com:)
How do i get rid of my recurring yeast infection.?
Q: Alright! So i have had a recurring yeast infection for over a year now. I have been to 3 different regular doctors. A infection doctor. A gynecologist. and a specialist doctor. Which all of them say all my levels everythings okay with me but they dont know why my yeast infection wont go away. i have tried monistat, diflucan, gynsing violet, boric acid, garlic, diet, no underwear, cranberry juice, bath with apple cider vinegar. I just feel like i am never going to get rid of them and the doctors dont know how to help me. Can someone please HELP ME!!!!I am 19 years old. Please be respectful with your answers I don’t know what else to do and I am willing to try anything.Thanks So muchAnd i am not diabetic, have aids, have a std, or anything like that i have been checked multiple times. I am also not having sex because it hurts to bad. and not worth the pain.I dont have it on my feet, mouth or anywhere else. I think I am going to try the diet. Its seems like the only option for me. I really hope it works. I just get so frustrated and feel like its never going to go away. I have been having them off and on since i been 10. I have very very sensitive skin i dont know if that might be a possibility.What do people think about sticking a garlic clove up there over night??? Believe that is safe??? Im still young and just dont want to ruin my chances to having kids.
A: I feel bad you have to go through with all that. I’ve also had recurring yeast infection for several years and tried everything. And OTC drugs and prescription drugs (diflucan) don’t work for me anymore. Recently, I’ve tried the candida diet. No simple carbs and sugars for at least 4 weeks to 3 months. Yeah, it’s hard. No fruit either. No vinegar, soy sauce, wine, cheese, etc. You mostly eat protein such as beef, chicken, fish, etc. and lots and lots of vegetables except for potato and corn plus some whole grain. I’m sure you can get a detailed list on the web. This diet really worked for me. After the first week, I had no symptoms. I am still on it going on for about a month. If you need immediate relief from yeast infection, try yeast arrest. It’s a homeopathic formula with boric acid and tea tree oil. It works for me. The candida diet is difficult since you can’t have cake, ice cream, etc. but it works because you are starving the yeast in your body, eventually killing them. And the infection won’t come back. It also helps to take Candidastat by Vitanica as a supplement while in the diet.
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