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Can bleeding occur during the first couple weeks of pregnancy

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A:Slight bleeding or cramping. Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-bleeding-occur-during-the-first-couple-weeks-of-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Can bleeding occur during the first couple weeks of pregnancy
Can bleeding occur during the first couple weeks of pregnancy?
Slight bleeding or cramping. Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy.

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Weird movements in lower belly.. wtf? TEN POINTS TO BEST ANSWER!?
Q: Okay.. so.. its a tad bit of a long story. In mid August, I had a druken one night stand with an ex. We used protection, but it fell off either during, or when he was pulling out. I didn’t think much of it. Within a month, I started feeling quesy around the same time at work. I still didn’t think much of it. My boobs started to kill, so I figured that my normally irregular period would be starting soon.. I waited a couple of weeks, and it never came. I started taking pregnancy tests when I began feeling like I had a fever/flu, but no temperature, and mild on/ off cramping. They all came out negative. I had this weird feeling that something wasn’t right, and had to go for an MRI almost two months ago, so I went to the hospital and had blood work done. They did a quality HCG serum test, and it came out negative. I haven’t had sex since that one time in August, and figured that if I was pregnant, by that time, it would have came up positive, so I went to my MRI, and started taking an Herb called Vitex. I decided to ignore any kind of symptoms. My quesyness was still on/off, and I kept feeling these occasional twiches in my lower belly. I blamed the Vitex. Well.. I’ve been on Vitex for almost two months, and my period has yet to arrive. With the exception for a few spots of blood I found on toilet paper about two months ago, which couldn’t have been implantation bleeding because it happened when I would have been a little over two months aglong. Its normally irregular, but I normally start ovulating on 16th of the months that I do get my period. That druken sex I had was on the 17th. I know its impossible that I’m pregnant.. But I do keep feeling those twiches that seem to have gotten less intense, but happen more often. They seem to occur alot of times when I’m lying down. I’m trying to think of how to describe them.. they normally happen in my lower belly.. kinna by my bikini line. Sometimes they happen a little lower than my belly button. It kinna feels like there is a little bug, crawling around the lining of my belly. Every now and again, I’ll put my hand in the area it happens in, never really feeling much. I recently started catching the feeling with my hand, and it now feels like a muscle spasm, radiating off of a little area.. not my entire belly. It’s not strong at all, and it sort of tickles. My boobs still hurt, just not half as bad as before. Recently, I’ve noticed that my nipples are taking on a light brownish tint.. that seems to change as the day progresses. I guess that could be all in my head, but I’ve noticed the light brown tint alot, so that can’t be in my head. They also seem to be itchy from time to time.. but nothing to bothersome. I took another dollar store pregnancy test, just to reassure myself. It was kind of weird.. I had one line show up, and then what seemed like another, but it dissapeared in like twenty seconds.and as the test dried, my first line got darker. I’m taking it as a negative, and that the color just didn’t flow all the way through, creating the image of another line. I recently got cut off my health insurance, and have no way of seeing a doctor.. so please no ” Go see a doctor” answers. I’m pretty much looking for stories of this happening to other people, and what it ended up being, or maybe even opinions. I’m still taking my Vitex, so could that be the cause of my symptoms?I’ve also been trying to take as much notice to my discharge. In the begining of my symptoms, I had a white sticky discharge, and the other nite, I noticed a soft, white, almost clumpy discharge. Nothing excessive, though.I’m just going crazy, aren’t I?
A: Have you done any research on Vitex? So, if you got pregnant in August, then you are about 3 months pregnant or so. I don’t think anyone feels movement at that time unless they have had a couple kids. It could be gastrointestinal flutters or gas. But you should definitely have a positive HPT by this time. . . if you actually are pregnant and a test is negative, there is probably something abnormal with the baby or you’ve had a missed miscarriage or something like that. You’ll have to get a blood test or something or go speak to your doctor. Since you don’t have a doctor, then go to a free clinic or government clinic.
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