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Can you be pregnant even if it seems like you are getting your period

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A:You may notice a small amount of vaginal bleeding very early in pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. This …more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-be-pregnant-even-if-it-seems-like-you-are-getting-your-period ]
More Answers to “Can you be pregnant even if it seems like you are getting your period
Can you be pregnant even if it seems like you are getting your pe…?
You may notice a small amount of vaginal bleeding very early in pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. This …more?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you still be pregnant if you get your period a week after you had sex?
Q: I am on birth control and have been taking it correctly and seems to be working fine. I had sex with my bf and he came in me, a week later i got my period like i was supposed to (every 28 days), could i still be pregnant?BC blocks it i know that, but i can be paranoid at times and ive heard of stories of women being pregnant when they still had their period, even though it makes no sense to me.
A: very unlikely
Can you be pregnant even if you feel your peiod is coming and feel no different than you do before your period?
Q: Before you Judge me i have been trying 4 a baby 4 5years so ya can ges its driving me mad now lol. I am on clomid and i have never been late except this month i am 2 WEEKS LATE. A few days ago i really thought i was pregnant i was constipated n had a few cramps n really felt pregnant. But now i feel like i am going to come on my period sorry bout this bit have loss stools which i always get before period and sore breast n just that feeling down there that u know AF is gonna show up. Has this ever happened to any one and you have been pregnant? I think because this is the only month i have been late i really thought i was but i don’t think so now. i will be doing a test next week but to be honest i think i will be on my period by then. This prob seems a pointless question but it could be possible that some people have felt like this and been pregnant or i would love to talk to someone going through the same thing. Its the only thing i wanrt is to be a mum and its feeling like it way never happen and its just so frustrating!!!!!!!!! xO just a bit more info i have been seein a specialist and there is absultly nothing wrong with us, so have been prescribed clomid to regulate my cycles which it has done except for this month 🙁
A: I is very possible to feel like your going to start when you are pregnant. Some people get symptoms and others don’t so I’d say if your late you should take a test and find out.
Difference between a regular period and a “pregnant period”?
Q: I just received my period last night (Which it was the same date i had received it on Feb., also i didn’t get my period last month) I don’t think im pregnant but i don’t want to be to sure about it the fact you can still be even if your on your period. Well I see my period the same but yesterday in the afternoon that i had went the the bathroom and i cleaned myself i saw a light light redish orange spot. And ofcourse i figuered that it was my period but it still wasnt coming.But later on that same that i got it. It seems the same but it is just blood like i havent gotten the goey dark red thing that comes out of it when i am on my preiod. So would it still be normal? My period last for about 4 days and i dont have a light nor a heavy cycle. I also took a pregnancy test like 2 weeks ago and it came out negative so any advice?
A: You sound so young. Honey, please listen to me. If you are having unprotected sex with your boyfriend then you should see a clinician/doctor to give you a pelvic exam, to test you for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and to get a serum (blood pregnancy) test. It is possible that you took the pregnancy test too soon after becoming pregnant and your body wasn’t making enough Hcg (the hormone your body secretes during pregnancy) for the home pregnancy test to detect it and therefore you had a negative pregnancy test when in fact you are pregnant. If it is not likely you would be able to go to a clinic for the testing then you should do another home pregancy test, just to be sure. Make sure you buy the kind that has two tests in the kit. If you are not pregnant, please be sure to either have your boyfriend wear a condom, or you should get some other form of birth control to prevent future episodes where you are worried about whether or not you are pregnant. Good luck and best wishes.
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