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Can you have a normal period during pregnancy

Health related question in topics Period during Pregnancy .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you have a normal period during pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:You can’t have your menstrual period while you’re pregnant. Some women do have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-have-a-normal-period-during-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Can you have a normal period during pregnancy
Can you have a normal period during pregnancy
You can’t have your menstrual period while you’re pregnant . Some women do have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.
I had my period which seemed normal but still feelings the signs …?
A lot of symptoms you get from having a period match pregnancy symptoms. Sounds like that might be whats going on with you. You definitely wouldn’t be getting any kind of cramping or pains above your belly button, thats not a pregnancy symp…
Is having your period during pregnancy normal?
No. During pregnancy your body should have stopped producing the hormones that make your period start Having a period after conception may mean a spontaneous abortion (something that happens naturally and often) most often due to an error i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you continue to have normal periods during pregnancy?
Q: I really am not pregnant (it’d be impossible) but I thought I heard this on a health website one time. I was just wondering if this was true or not. I know when you first become pregnant you could bleed some but would they come every month still?
A: Light bleeding or spotting is normal in the first trimester, beyond that I would be worried. It should not happen every month.
Can you get your period during ectopic pregnancy?
Q: i was just curious .. because i know during a normal pregnancy you can sometimes spott and have a little bleeding but during ectopic can you have a full on heavy period with deep red blood that lasts for 5 days.??
A: pain and bleeding is a manifestation of ectopic pregnancy. Try to learn from this posthttp://www.promdinurses.com/2009/07/ectopic-pregnancy.html
can you get your period during ectopic pregnancy?
Q: i was just curious .. because i know during a normal pregnancy you can sometimes spott and have a little bleeding but during ectopic can you have a full on heavy period with deep red blood that lasts for 5 days.??
A: If a pregnant woman experience dizziness, abdominal pain and bleeding on the early stages of pregnancy, chances are that she could be having an ectopic pregnancy. It is best to seek a medical care as soon as she notice any unusual symptoms during pregnancy. An ultrasound can help to detect the abnormality in the early pregnancy.
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