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Could it mean miscarriage

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A:Yes, Symptoms of a miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding, pelvic cramps, abdominal pain, or a persistent. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/could-it-mean-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “Could it mean miscarriage
Could it mean a misscarriage?
Sometimes the ultra-sound can not detect the baby’s heart rate at 6 weeks. Also, you may have your conception time wrong, too. Try not to worry and I think your doctor was wrong to make a statement like that without knowing more. If you wer…
What does miscarriage mean?
Spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation compare to abortion.
Does Spotting Mean Miscarriage?
Spotting can be a sign of miscarriage, but, as stated above, it can also occur for other reasons.

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Could this mean miscarriage?
Q: I’m 26, pregnant with my second child and I have been having some unusual pains in my lower stomach. They feel almost like cramps but a little more intense. Today I am 7 weeks and I’m just curious as to if this could mean miscarriage or if it’s normal for these pains. I haven’t had any spotting or anything else going on, should I contact my ob?
A: Ok here is what you should know about miscarriage. ( Keep in mind you should see you doc either way to confirm anything you might think you have ok?)An impending miscarriage will often have some distinct symptoms, such as vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping, but having these symptoms in pregnancy does not always mean a miscarriage. If you have any of these symptoms, please see a doctor as soon as possible for a medical evaluation.Bleeding or spotting is the first sign of a miscarriage for many women. Although vaginal bleeding is nearly always scary, remember that even heavy bleeding does not always equal a miscarriage. Sometimes bleeding might happen due to cervical irritation or the process of implantation, and it may stop and the pregnancy may continue without further problems. About 10% of all pregnant women experience vaginal bleeding at some point during the pregnancy.Report vaginal bleeding at any point in pregnancy to a medical practitioner. He will probably have you come in for an exam to see what’s going on.Severe pain in the abdomen can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, which is a life threatening condition that occurs when a baby is implanted outside the uterus. Severe pain in early pregnancy, especially if it is on one side of the abdomen, should always be investigated as an emergency. Milder cramping that is similar to menstrual cramps can occur in normal pregnancies and is not necessarily a sign of miscarriage.One other common concern in early pregnancy is fading pregnancy symptoms, such as loss of morning sickness or breast soreness. This is an unreliable indicator of loss; symptoms may fluctuate for any reason and so should not be considered cause to worry — although it should be mentioned to a doctor at the next scheduled appointment.HOPE THIS HELPED!
Cramping and bleeding.. could this mean miscarriage?
Q: Also, does it matter what prenatal vitamins i buy?? Can i buy the cheap ones or do they have to be a certain/expensive brand?? Are store brands okay??TI’m 21 years old. The reason i even found out i was pregnant was because i was having cramps for 3 days w/ no period to follow.. so i decided to take a pregnancy test on November 6th, November 7th, and November 12th (( i wanted to be sure, lol )) and found out i was pregnant. First day of my last period was on October 10th. Just today my cramping has increased in pain but is still only frequent.. today when i went to the bathroom i realized i was bleeding.. it isn’t a lot but seems as a reg. period.. the blood seems a ‘lil darker.. i’m just not sure if this is something i need to worry about because i’ve read that some woman bleed.. this is my first pregnancy so i don’t know what sort of signs i need to be paying attention to. Please advise!!
A: i think it’s darker because it’s been sitting there a long time, so the oxygen is getting absorbed (by the fetus), and bleeding is common, but combined with cramping, i wouldn’t be TOO alarmed, but a little worried… i would check things out at the hospital.
Since I ovulated so late in my cycle does it mean I could have a miscarriage if I get pregnant?
Q: I’m on Clomid, cycle day 25 and I still have ovulated, anyone have info on this. Thanks in advance!
A: When you ovulate doesn’t affect if you will miscarry or not.
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