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Do women get their period while they are pregnant

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A:No. You can’t get a period while pregnant. You can have vaginal bleeding but not a period. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-women-get-their-period-while-they-are-pregnant ]
More Answers to “Do women get their period while they are pregnant
Do women get their periods while pregnant?
NO. The body is in a different mode and now is taking care of the nutrition of the baby and is no longer functioning for being available for becoming pregnant again. Once the delivery has occurred, the body will go back into the cycle and a…
Can a woman get pregnant while on her period?
Yes, a woman can get pregnant while on her period although her chances of getting pregnant are very low. So if you are planning on conceiving a baby, your best bet is to try when you are not on your period.
Is it possible for a women to get pregnant while on her period.??
yes of course when i was pregnant with my first child ,i saw my periods for 2 month then after my third month missed period and postive test along with doctors confirmation i was pregnant….now i have a beautiful 2 year old

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do many women get their period while they are pregnant?
Q: If you did, how many months were you pregnant until it went away? Thanks!
A: With my 4th pregnancy, I had been having regular periods and then had one lighter period before I found out I was pregnant. I was taking birth control pills when I conceived and didn’t know I was pregnant. I had to have an ultrasound to see how far along I was and I was 17 weeks when I found out. I stopped taking the birth control pills the day I found out I was pregnant and I didn’t have another period during my pregnancy. It is not common, but some women do experience monthly bleeding while pregnant. Most generally, absence of a period is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and one of the most reliable although there are other medical conditions that can cause a period to stop. I don’t know statistics, but not many women get a period when they are pregnant, but it does happen sometimes.
A question about women getting their ‘period’ while pregnant?
Q: Is it really like your period or just light bleeding?When I get my period, it is heavy and there are chunks in it .. gross, I know- but it is your uterine lining shedding because no egg was attached. So, unless you have a very light period normally, because you are on the pill or whatever- I don’t understand how women get a period(s) as they normally do while being pregnant.
A: when i fell pregnant i missed a period but the month after i had a strange browny red bleed for 2 days but it was nothing to worry about. the month after i had another one but it was heavier and slightly more red, it lasted 3 days. i panicked but again everything was fine lol. but both times it was when my period would have been due hopefully it wont happen again. it wouldnt be a completely normal period because there wont be many cramps, you wouldnt get period pains because the wall of your womb wont contract to break down because your pregnant. so its not actually a period
how do women who get their periods while pregnant find out that they are pregnant?
Q: If this has happened to you please share your stories
A: I’ve had irregular periods for a few years now so it wasn’t uncommon for me to miss a period or two every now and then. Of course anytime I was late I would take a home pregnancy test and they were always negative. After awhile, I just knew something wasn’t right. I was having strange pains and headaches and such and seemingly overnight looked like I had an extra 10 pounds in my waist. SOOOOO.. I marched on in to the ER gave em the story and sure enough I was pregnant. Almost 7 months pregnant. Talk about a surprise! Sometimes I still think I’m dreaming, but of course the lil one kicks me a few extra time to remind me I’m not. I have an anterior placenta so I didn’t feel any movement until recently and I had no symptoms. Glad I found out before I went into labor lol.
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