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Do you get period like cramps during decidual bleeding

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A:Experts recommend that pregnant women inform a doctor about any form of vaginal bleeding, it can be a more serious conditions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-you-get-period-like-cramps-during-decidual-bleeding ]
More Answers to “Do you get period like cramps during decidual bleeding
Do you get period like cramps during decidual bleeding
Experts recommend that pregnant women inform a doctor about any form of vaginal bleeding, it can be a more serious conditions.

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possible have negative results after faint positive and still have healthy pregnancy?
Q: Today I have had 2 negative pregnancy test results after having quite a few faint positives then 2 definate positives as recently as yesterday. This is driving me mad. I started to feel pregnant a few days before my period was due but didnt get a faint positive til day before perod was due. Since then Ive had a few faint positives followed by 2 definate positives. Ok so Ive had what seemed like a light “period” which started day after period due but no pain or cramps and it very quickly decreased to “spotting”. Yes Ive read about chemical pregnancies, implantation bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, decidual bleeding, threatened miscarriage and various other negative things associated with vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy but Im trying to be hopeful that im worrying unnecessarily. Im going for an early pregnancy scan on Friday but until then I dont know what to do or think!! I should be almost 5 weeks pregnant by now and I still very much “feel” pregnant, with achey sore boobs, tiredness and feeling really sick on and off especially during the evening.Its just these tests that are really confusing me!! Any1 out there been through anything similar? What do you think? I know deep down that all the signs are pointing towards a chemical pregnancy but is there the smallest hope that everything is still ok? Any1 continued with a healthy pregnancy after positive then negative results? As many answers as possible please. Thank you.I used First Response initially which resulted in faint positives, then used Clearblue where you have to have + sign for positive which I had twice. Repeated Clearblue this morning but – sign meaning negative, not even a faint positive! So went and bought “Boots” own make and did that this afternoon which was also negative.
A: You need to only take a pregnancy test with your first mornings urine. At this point in pregnancy your hCG levels are not high enough to be detected all throughout the day resulting in the mixed tests. It is also very rare to get a false positive so since you have had a few positive tests, it sounds like you really are pregnant!
31 weeks pregnant and spotting..please help!!!!?
Q: hi, im 19 yrs old (20 in 13 days) and im 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby, it was a little confusing at the beginning becasue i kept getting positive pregnancy tests along with period-like bleeding, but i eventually found out that it was just decidual bleeding and im pregnant. but i havent bled for about 2 months now until yesterday morning. on the 14th i tagged along with my bf to work (since he works at the mall) and while he worked i did some baby/christmas shopping with 2 of my friends, and it turned out to be an all day thing we woke up at 7 40am and left at 8am and didnt come back until 10 30 at night. so we were out for almost 15 hrs, and i was pretty much on my feet most of te time, but i ate a lot, packed snacks and water and ate at the food courts at the mall, and took breaks, and when we left the mall went to dennys, so anyways, when i got home i stayed awake for a few more hours and then fell asleep and when i woke up on the 15th i was having very light period-like cramping in my legs, and at about the 3rd or 4th time i peed for the day i wiped and there was a little bit of pink on the tissue, that was at about 11 30am, and since then ive worn a very small pad and only a few drops of light red to light pink to nothing at all gets on it, for the most part its only there when i wipe and theres just a bit of light pink or light red on the tissue, and as for cramping i just get light thigh and leg cramps every so often. like im worried but im not too worried as i have bled during this pregnancy before and he is still kicking away! but do you think its because of all the walking i did te other day?? because thats not really a usual thing for me to be out and on my feet for that long..or could there be another problem??…can anyone please share their experience with bleeding at around 30 weeks?..was everything ok??ohj yeah and i also wanted to mention that my vag feels a little sore when i walk, and im carrying very low..if that added info helps..i guess i mentioned age to establish background and a voice to the question, sometimes i read questions and it sounds like a 13yr old when its really a 20 or 30-soimething yr old, not trying to say hey look at me young chick with a baby..its like sometimes ppl get mad cuz they dont know the age of the person and if someone decides to add it to the question ppl get mad either way..why is it so hard for ppl to answer a question without adding their own sassy sauce!….i know the doctor should be the first place i turn to for a problem like this but since i have gone through bleeding before im deciding to wait it out a bit becasue i know that ppl can spot at anytime and ive read other questions almost exactly like mine but i just wanted to ask for personal experiences and info on the matter…not “no offense but i dont like the way u asked ur question, why did you feel the need to say ur age? ask ur doctor..”….like really u guys are so gay about this just answer the question
A: First thing is not to panic, second call your doctor right away, and he/she will be able to help you with the question. He/she knows your condition better than anyone here and yourself included. DO call right away, keep calm is the most important thing to do. GOOD LUCK…
Has anyone ever has a low hcg level on a blood test and still been pregnant?
Q: As of today, I *THINK* I am 31 days late, if what happened on January 30th was really considered a period or decidual bleeding… It only lasted 3 days and that is NOT NORMAL for me… But I need someone’s opinion because the doctors in this town think that I am crazy!In December, I found out that I was pregnant, only to miscarry a week later. I was 4 weeks and 2 days. That was confirmed. I later had sex on December 17th and Christmas, and bled on January 8th for 1 day, which I thought was kind of strange. I had sex on the 15th of January and during sex on the morning of January 30th, I started bleeding. That only lasted for 3 days though… All through the month of January I was having pregnancy symptoms but brushed them off to the previous miscarriage though.On February 3rd, I developed what I thought were hives so I went to the doctor. He said it was a rash and gave me antibiotics but had no clue as to what caused them. I told him that I have been having some pregnancy symptoms and was concerned since I only had what I thought was AF, for 3 days. He did a blood test, as well as some other tests and sent me for an ultrasound… All which came back normal…Well as of today, I am 30 days late and have been having horrible migraine headaches, dizzy spells, sporadic hot and cold flashes, food cravings, repelling of all things tomato, several dates a day with the bathroom, utter exhaustion, sensitive breasts, (They look bigger too), nausea, and I can’t even keep my vitamin down in the morning. The last week or so I also have felt what feels like fluttering in my stomach and I can smell WELL, for the first time in years! I have not been able to smell *WELL* since I had my tonsils and adenoids removed, even with my previous pregnancies. Overall I just feel pregnant… (I have had 2 other children, so its not like it’s my first rodeo)…Well today, I woke up with the worlds most horrible migraine and cramping and nothing, not even a heating pad was making it feel better, so I went to the Emergency Room. I told them that there is a possibility that I may be pregnant, having gotten 2 negative tests and 2 positive… I told them that if they could find out for sure if I were pregnant, it would explain the migraines, for those were the most prominent symptoms in my last pregnancy (in which I was put on bed rest at 3 months for high blood pressure). They drew blood and also made me do a urine test only to get a low hcg count and a negative pregnancy test. They wanted to prescribe me some medication and I told them not until I get an ultrasound to prove that I was not indeed, pregnant. They said, “In our medical opinion, you’re not pregnant! There is no way you can be pregnant with a low hcg count. With the test results we got back, we can’t justify giving you an ultrasound because your insurance won’t pay for it.” By this point I was FUMING MAD!!!I explained how in my last pregnancy, I had gotten negative pregnancy tests as well as blood tests and loe and behold, I was still pregnant, (Gary is 3 now), and I also explained to them some of my friends that I know who didn’t find out they were pregnant until 5 and 8 months, due to low hcg count and negative test results, and she said she doesn’t know of “anybody who can sustain a pregnancy with low hcg levels.” So I asked her why I have been having these symptoms and why AF is 30 days past due, and she chalked it up to, “having ALLERGIES and an irregular cycle!” Can you believe that!?!?! The incompetence of some people makes me crazy, but I also live in a little hick town now, where as my last pregnancy, I lived in the big city. She gave me migraine medicine and sent me home…The only problem is I still feel fluttering, my migraine is still here, I am still dizzy and sick to my stomach. 🙁 Oh, and I was on the pill when I found out I was pregnant in December and stopped taking it after I found out, and after I miscarried I continued to take my pill as advised by my doctors. I only stopped taking it after being 2 weeks late because I didn’t want to hurt the baby if I found out that I was indeed pregnant, but now I just am completely losing my mind, because my home pregnancy tests that I took were both positive and negative and my hcg count as of yesterday was down to 2. A nurse I spoke to today said that I may have a “missed miscarriage”, but I researched that and my symptoms have not subsided. I am going to an OB on Thursday… I hope that he will give me an ultrasound to find out for sure what is going on with me, but has this ever happened to anybody else before???
A: I’m not sure if this will help, but I had a missed miscarriage about 4 years ago. I continued to grow and have all the symptoms, the only way I found out was when I was at the doctors office at 11.5 weeks and the ultrasound showed no heartbeat and after measuring it, I had miscarried at 9 weeks. I really hope that this is not the case with you. Good luck on your appointment.
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