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Do you think I would probably have a Miscarriage

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A:Some signs of a miscarriage are vaginal bleeding and pain. If you are experiencing either of these, please see your physician! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-you-think-i-would-probably-have-a-miscarriage ]
More Answers to “Do you think I would probably have a Miscarriage
Do you think I would probably have a Miscarriage
Some signs of a miscarriage are vaginal bleeding and pain. If you are experiencing either of these, please see your physician!

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HCG of 81 at 15dpo… Any chance of successful pregnancy?
Q: I got a faint positive home pregnancy test last Thursday, and then a more bold positive test on Friday. I started bleeding lightly on Sunday and have been bleeding off and on ever since. The first two days, I wasn’t worried because the bleeding was very light and it was light pinkish-brown in color, which I’ve read can be caused by implantation and be normal. On Tuesday, I went to the bathroom to find bright red blood and a clot about the size of a dime. I called the OB nurse and told her I think I’m miscarrying. But then the bleeding stopped. I never needed more than a panty liner for the bleeding.I went to the OB on Wednesday for a vaginal ultrasound, which showed a thickened lining which is consistent with early pregnancy. They don’t see a gestational sac, but said they don’t expect to for a couple more weeks. I then had my blood drawn and scheduled for a follow-up blood draw 48 hours later (will be tomorrow).The nurse called today, and her voice sounded doubtful. She said my HCG was only 81, and that she won’t know for sure until after the test on Friday, but she sorta implied that it’s probably miscarriage.However, the office is off on my cycle date by anywhere from 4-6 days. I had told the nurse incorrectly that my cycle began on 4/1. I looked at the calendar before my ultrasound appointment and saw that it was actually 4/3. So I told the ultrasound lady the right date. But in both cases, they’re assuming I ovulated on cycle day 14. I do track my ovulation with OPK’s and CM checking, however, and I am certain that I ovulated (and conceived) on April 20th on cycle day 18. That was a long way of saying I would have been 15 days past ovulation for my first blood HCG test. With HCG of 81 at 15 DPO, do you think there is any chance I can have a successful pregnancy? I am going back tomorrow for the second blood draw which will show much more, but if 81 is ridiculously low and there’s no chance, then I don’t even want to get my hopes up for nothing…
A: With this pregnancy, I thought I was miscarrying for sure. I took an hpt at 9 dpo and got a VERY faint line. At 12 dpo, I went for a blood test. I got the results back – my hcg was 13 with a progestrone level of 13.4. The nurse said “technically” that really isn’t even considered pregnant (it has to be over 25,) and that it didn’t really look good. I went back 2 days later at 14 dpo and my hcg was 37. It had almost tripled! I was so excited, but later that evening, I started bleeding. It only lasted a few hours and was dark. I had an ultrasound the next day, but they couldn’t see anything of course. At 21 dpo, I had another blood test and my hcg was up to 936. After a couple more weeks, I went in for another ultrasound and there was my little sprout! I’m now 18 weeks. Please don’t give up! I had pretty much convinced myself that I was going to lose this baby, but so far so good. I wish you good luck!Try this site. It gives you average hcg levels. http://betabase.info
Went to doctor, think im having a miscarriage…need serious advice!!1?
Q: I am about 6 weeks. I went to a doc yesterday They did a pregnancy test and it was positive, then they talked to me about the usual. Well I have had spotting on and off for the past two weeks with some very mild cramping. They said that was fine and very normal for a lot of women, so I came home calm yesterday and we are moving the end of the month so I was waiting to go to an actual ob until we are moved and settled. Well today my spotting became very heavy and every time I went to the bathroom and urinated there was red blood, and blood clots and a mucus type of stuff in the blood, and the doctor said it was ok to have brown old blood but not red, so I panicked and called the doctor, they cant get me in until monday so I spoke with the doctors nurse and she told me I was probably having a miscarriage and she would talk to the doctor and call me back, but most likely they would just have me come in monday. So would you say it is probably a miscarrage, and if so whats next?I have read on the internet that you sometimes have to have surgery after a miscarriage, is that true and about how much does that usually cost?
A: How scary and ridiculous that they can’t get you in until Monday. Go to the ER if it gets worse, please. They can do an ultrasound to see what is going on.I do have friends that spotted bright red in the first trimester and gave birth 7 months later to a healthy baby. Put your feet up, drink lots of water and if it gets worse please go into the emergency room.
Miscarriage? Sorry if TMI…?
Q: I’m about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant & may be having a miscarriage. I have been to the doctors and unfortunately I just have to play the waiting game now.The bleeding started Sunday. It was light spotting & brown. I called & they said that that kind of bleeding is normal. By Monday at noon there was a little more (much less then a period) and more pinkish brown. I went to the doctor at 4 and they did a vaginal ultrasound. We couldn’t see the sack, but my doctor said that she didn’t think we would be able to see it. I did blood tests and go back tomorrow for more blood tests.Last night around 9 I started having cramping. Nothing extreme, but by 10 is was nearly as bad as a mild period & I started to pass larger amounts of blood. Still not as much as a regular period (mine are fairly heavy) but enough to concern me. Knowing there isn’t much they can do I took some tylenol & got my heating bad and went to bed. Around midnight I woke up & felt fine. As if nothing had been wrong. This morning there is still blood but its very light again.I am under the care of a doctor but while I wait for more tests I’d like to hear from other pregnant woman. Have any of you experienced almost period like bleeding and still had/have a healthy pregnancy? I am aware that this is unlikely and I am probably having a miscarriage, but I’d like to see what others have to say.BTW when the bleeding first started I didn’t have ANY cramping at all.
A: Hey! Sorry you are going through this!!With my first pregnancy in 2008, I didn’t even know I was pregnant! I had bleeding around the time I should have started my period, and it was only because my friend suggest that my sore breasts were because she thought I was pregnant that I even took a test! I had bleeding on and off for the first 11 weeks! Sometimes it was spotting, sometimes a little more like a medium flow (I too have really heavy periods) and sometimes there was a little cramping. It peaked around 7 weeks for me, at which time I thought for sure I was having a m/c and rushed to the ER in the middle of the night! My levels were good, so it was just a diagnosis of threatened miscarriage. I went on to carry her to 41 1/2 weeks and she weighed 9lbs!! So bleeding is not always a definite sign that something will definitely go wrong! Did they tell you what your hCG level was? I am assuming they did a Quant test yesterday and that is why you will go back tomorrow. Good Luck! Get some rest and *try* not to fret too much!! =)
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