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Does a period hurt

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does a period hurt”,you can compare them.

A period can be very painful to not at all depending on the person. Cramping is a common symptom of periods. OTC Pain meds help [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-a-period-hurt ]
More Answers to “Does a period hurt
your tummy hurts
Girls start their periods at different ages in their lives. Some have been known to start as early as 9 and others have been late bloomers and did not start till they were 17. It is stricktly decided by the hormone levels in your body. Do…
Common period pain includes breast tenderness, bloating, headache, swelling of the extremities, & cramps. The blood loss doesn’t.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How badly does your period hurt?
Q: I just turned 13 and supposively I’m going to get my period soon. I don’t want it though! LOL I wanna stay a kid forever :D. But I just wanted to know, how bad does it hurt? And which things about your overall period hurts the most?
A: only the cramps hurt. mine are really bad and i had to get on naproxin for the pain. i also had a couple fainting spells. however, many of my friends don’t feel anything so it all depends on your body. don’t be scared, it’s not as bad as people make out 🙂
does taking 2 consecutive months of birth control without stopping for a period hurt your body?
Q: i have yaz and i read that if you want to change the time of your next period that you just take the pills til you have the date you want. so thats what im doing. i was just wondering if its harmful to do that.
A: When you take birth control what you have during your break is a withdraw bleed from taking the hormones. So it doesn’t hurt you to skip a month if you want. Dr. Masterson on the tv show The Doctors said on that show that she tells her patients all of the time they can skip their period on regular birth control and that it won’t hurt you.best wishes..
Why does taking a crap and being on my period hurt?
Q: only the first day im on my period i have cramps but then if i have to take a crap that is the worst pain in the world. why is that and does anyone else exsperience this?(fyi…im not on birth control because i have a heart condition and can not take it)
A: did you honestly just say “taking a crap?”How vulgar!
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