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Does your period come early to determine that you are not pregnant

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A:No, sometimes this is a sign of vaginal bleeding and not a period. If you are pregnant you will not have a period. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-your-period-come-early-to-determine-that-you-are-not-pregnant ]
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Does your period come early to determine that you are not pregnan…?
No, sometimes this is a sign of vaginal bleeding and not a period. If you are pregnant you will not have a period. ChaCha on!

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A: It could be like you typed , that you had implantation bleeding since your regular cycle did not follow, You also having morning sickness, and tender breast , it could be that you are pregnant, but you have to leave a few weeks to see what happens, If by then your cycle do not come on ,go to the doctor and have a urine test to see if it comes positive
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A: I think it’s very possible. Especially if you’re that late and having all of those symptoms.
can you relate? part2 /update?
Q: Your Open QuestionShow me another » Can you relate – update/ part 2?im so confused i went to Gyno today she told me theres nothing she can say cuz she simply does not know , i told her about my cramps tat have been constant for 5 days and my nausea and she said it was to early to determine through urine and blood test!! so shes say on the 11 to come back for an ultra sound … but that doesnt make sense in 4 days?? how much can change in for days?? what is she looking for that she couldnt determine today ?? so i dont know… has anyone have pregnancy symptom of a pinching / period type cramps ?? for this long of a time ?1 hour ago – 3 days left to answer. Additional Details1 hour agoWELL THIS IS EMAIL FROM FRIEND—————– Original Message —————–From: BridgetDate: Dec 6, 2007 12:49 PMyes i never missed my period before i knew i was pregnant i knew before i missed one with both kids. with makai i knew i was i was just in denial but i knew because i would get sick like id be starving and when id see food i wanna throw up and then be starving 5 minutes later..i only wanted to sleep and i was soo emotional.. with giselle i just knew i wasnt even sick i just knew i was pregnant. the give away for me both times is id get theese little pinching pains in the very lower of my stomach like right where your underwear line is id get theese pinching feelings like someone was pinching my insides.. everyone i know that has kids also had it and thats how everytime i knew to buy a test.. so let me know what happens lol good luckk.. would it be a good thing or bad? lol keep me informed!Report It
A: i can’t say ive ever been pregnant so i don’t know about the pinching pain howeverfour days makes a huge difference over the course of four days the egg can divide a huge amount of times making it much easier to detect.
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