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How can I prevent my nose from being always stuffed or runny

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I prevent my nose from being always stuffed or runny”,you can compare them.

It sounds like you may have a mild case of allergies, or “hay fever”; try OTC medications such as Benadryl or Clarinex. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-i-prevent-my-nose-from-being-always-stuffed-or-runny ]
More Answers to “How can I prevent my nose from being always stuffed or runny
How can I prevent my nose from being always stuffed or runny?
It sounds like you may have a mild case of allergies, or “hay fever”; try OTC medications such as Benadryl or Clarinex. ChaCha!

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how to get better from a cold fast?
Q: hey. i have a rather busy week coming up, and i have caught a cold. currently my throat is a bit sore, my nose is runny and hard to breath through, and my chest feels stuffed up ugh! do you know how i can be cured of my cold without seeing the doctor or getting medication? oh and by the way, after a cold i almost always get a cough. any ideas on how to prevent that?thanks
A: The most important thing is sleep. Before you get into bed, rub your chest with metholated rub. (Vicks) then put a warm “to-the-neck” thermal undershirt on, get under a warm blanket and sleep as long as you can this way. Reapply when needed, but don’t go into a draft with the Vicks on. When you need to eat or drink, drink hot tea with or without honey (no milk or cream) and eat chicken noodle soup (really does work). Also, orange juice helps (lukewarm NOT cold)
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