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How can i stop vaginal bleeding

Health related question in topics Vaginal Bleeding .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i stop vaginal bleeding”,you can compare them.

A:If there is any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, or go directly to the hospital. Treat this as an emergency! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-i-stop-vaginal-bleeding ]
More Answers to “How can i stop vaginal bleeding
the only way you can bleed is if its your period if its not go to a doctor i think it is and just wait it out
If there is any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, or go directly to the hospital. Treat this as an emergency!
“If you are experiencing vaginal bleeding that is unrelated to your period, you should probably see a doctor as soon as you can. That being said, if you know that it is normal, or if it is just your period, raspberry leaf tea might be …

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A: vaginal/uterine bleeding always have reasons – you need to know more about Bleeding after sex, Uterine Bleeding and Abnormal periods – see below
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A: Well if they said you had an infection they should be doing something about it. I bled for 8 weeks after my c-section on and off but i didnt have any kind of fever so i guess its totally different. I would go to the E.R and get a second opinion. Just to be safe.Good luck x
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A: me personally was tanning the day after i can home, it was quite uncomfortable i was still so so so sore and bleeding but im a tanorexic so i dont think it can do any harm.
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