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How can you not feel physical pain

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Try different relaxation techniques to pull your attention away from pain. Or you can take OTC or prescription pain relief! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-you-not-feel-physical-pain ]
More Answers to “How can you not feel physical pain
Is it normal to not feel physical pain
There are some extremely rare genetic disorders that prevent one from feeling physical pain. Thank you for using ChaCha!
Would you prefer to NOT feel physical pain or emotional pain??
i would prefer not to feel emotional pain. Physical pain keeps us alive…as it warns us to stop doing something to our bodies.. and we can always take painkillers. emotional pain is worse…there is no escape and it seems to serve little p…
Why do I feel pain; not physical pain, but emotional pain??
Because you are alive, and all living things have hormonal “distress” signals that are sent when they sense a problem. Only chemical relief of the hormones (drugs) or practicing calming exercises extensively (behavioral therapy/ex…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is the sensation of physical pain so difficult to remember?
Q: I’ve had a lot of health problems in my life and have suffered some pretty horrific pain at times, yet when I look back in my mind to try to remember how that pain felt I can’t do it. I remember suffering, but not the actual sensation of pain.Why do you think that is?
A: Studies have shown that the mind rejects painful experiences and emotions for survival reason. There is a limit for ultimate or too much pain. Too much pain will result to physical or emotional death.It’s easier to remember pleasure because there is no limit for pleasure. Nobody dies of too much happiness. On the contrary, happiness cures all the pain in life.Take care. Strive to be happy.
Why does depression cause physical pain? is it bad and is it treatable?
Q: My meds have taken over most of the emotional effects of my depressive states, but not the physical. How does it cause pain? i feel so achy all the time, and i cant take too many pain pills because they interact with my medications. How is this pain treated? is there another prescription you can get? is it serious to have this pain, like can it cause other problems/I have many mental illness dont act like im crying for attention. i am on medications.
A: Depression can magnify the pain of other things. It doesn’t cause new pain, just makes other pains feel worse, maybe some that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.Anything for treating pain should work for that symptom of depression. Or just find something that works for your depression better.
Is it normal to want to hurt yourself or want to feel emotional pain?
Q: I want to feel some sort of pain because basically since the past few years I’ve felt really sad and broken hearted.No matter what atleast once every week i cry and i feel really pathetic and stuff. But this week its just like feeling empty no painful emotion. i can’t cry because i feel nothing. Even when i’m happy i want to be sad and it just doesn’t feel right. it’s not like my life is messed up i have friends, family, things, ect… but what i really want, money can’t even buy. Before when i felt pain it was like someone pinching my heart constantly and when would want it to stop it would hurt even more and i’d think about sad stuff and let it be. Now i’m not getting that feeling even after listening to really sad songs.so how do you get sad again? its really weird coz i’m almost 14. i’m planning on breaking my leg to see which hurts more although i’ve also had bad physical pain but i don’t remember. I think something’s wrong with me but i donno what???
A: You need to get professional psychological help. You are mentally ill and your problems will only get worse if you don’t. Tell your parents, tell a counselor, tell someone and get HELP now before you do something stupid and ruin the rest of your life.
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